In my opinion it is something like this:
When I say that, for now, I don’t know
I’m already starting to know more and more;
when I say I know (when I still don’t know),
then I’m already starting NOT to know even more!
It’s breathtaking!
Indeed, I have even encountered,
the situation in which I was asked
And I refused internally to say I knew
And I said that;
immediately the answer formed inside me,
It seems with a rapidity commensurate with the abandonment of identification with the ego.
I hope this always comes out to me in a wise way.
Because it’s not always necessary to verbalize “that you don’t know.”
whereas this would provide, in a number of cases,
instead authenticity, a wrong image.
There are a number of situations where the simple verbalized statement “I don’t know”
can suggest to the interlocutor meanings other than reality.
However, reality or truth is not described in words,
So you need delicate discernment in these things.
so that pride (and especially spiritual pride) is avoided at all costs;
and also to carry out our dharma properly.
Conversely, I also “happened”.
That is, I “painted” the image defending at all costs the idea that “I know a lot or, even, anything”
And instantly I felt like I was “fooling around.”
and, apart from the “packaging”, which was getting bigger,
The “contents” were shrinking “by sight.”
Even just evoking such a moment
I feel like I don’t want to live this anymore
(and I hope to succeed every time I get tested).
I believe salvation is Vinaya Mudra or humility
practiced intensively, extensively and wisely.
Anyway, I firmly believe that when
I say that, for now, I don’t know
I’m already starting to know more and more;
when I say I know (when I still don’t know),
That’s when I’m already starting not to know.
Acharya Leo Radutz,
founder of the Abheda system,
the initiator of the Good OM Revolution