From an astronomical point of view, the spring equinox represents the moment when the Sun reaches the point of intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator.
The Sun thus passes from the southern latitude to the northern latitude of the celestial sphere.
Thedawn is then equal in duration to the night and, astronomically speaking, spring and the new year begin.
This moment of balance symbolizes
an ineffable state of harmony that causes a state of deep, significant transformation of external nature, as well as a beneficial transformation of our human nature.
Everything then awakens to life and tends to come to the surface in order to enjoy the subtle, beneficial, intense and profound energies of spring.
During the “conservation period in which winter restrictions were felt”, most of the yogis’ diet was composed of seeds, cereals and dairy.
This is followed, according to the Orthodox Christian tradition, by the fast of Holy Pascha, which also includes this moment of equinox.
During this period , a spontaneous process of special purification takes place both at the level of the body and at the level of some of our subtle bodies.
As a result of this phenomenon, a state of mental tranquility, psychic balancing, affective dynamization is gradually established.
Not by chance, especially in this period of mysterious rebirth and regeneration of nature.
The mating of most animals takes place.
Plants begin to sprout, and one by one, the germs of life are reborn all around us.
At the Spring Equinox, man must fully adapt to some requirements of:
- Rebirth
- Refreshing
- awakening to reality
- exit from the state of sleep
- stopping the hibernation process
This stage has both a material and social significance, as well as a spiritual one.
In some cases, this phenomenon of non-adaptation will give rise to states of fatigue, nervousness that are often without motivation.
This aspect is generally defined by medicine as “spring asthenia“.
This mysterious moment of hiatus spontaneously puts us in touch with the huge subtle energies of the beginning, with the momentum full of optimism that appears at each new beginning of life.
At the same time, this moment of effervescence gives rise to a fascinating flowering of vitality.
It harmoniously awakens virility and femininity in the being, impetus the ecstatic experience of the mysterious tumult of spring.
The spring equinox makes us spontaneous, courageous, dynamic and active.
What can we do on the occasion of the spring equinox?
1. Let’s approach for a while (e.g. until Christian Easter) the raw-vegan diet, the vegetable juice diet or the Oshawa diet (this only 10 days).
2. To carry out purification procedures as they are concussed in the saucha (purity) of Abheda Yoga – Anaharin – black fasting only with water, purification regime with citrus fruits, Kalaka nirmukta for draining the gallbladder, Ganesha Kriya or Mula Shodana, Shank Prakshalana and Basti Kriya.
3. Meditation to take advantage of this moment of the astronomical
beginning of the year – to infuse this beginning with spiritual energies as deep and as high as possible,
– for a better and more spiritual
start – to enhance our regenerative and creative abilities.
Happy birthday!
Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution