Sarvangasana – “candle posture” for elevation and rejuvenation

Sarvangasana – Abheda Yoga

Sarvangasana – „postura lumânării” pentru elevare și reîntinerire


Sarvangasana is a reverse posture. The position of the spine is reversed so that the lower part of the spine is higher than the upper.

Reverse postures have the quality of easily transforming lower, disharmonious energies or energies of lower body centers, sexual energies into valuable energies, essential for the authentic seeker.

Indications, effects and benefits of this procedure

The effects of Sarvangasana are very powerful and very necessary for any person who can execute it.
Although it is relatively easy to perform, it has great efficiency, almost anyone can execute it if done correctly.

In this posture, blood flows abundantly to the neck and head. Thus, the thyroid and nerve centers of the brain are much better nourished, thus being promptly regenerated, which has notable effects on metabolism, growth, nutrition, health and physical structure.

In more difficult cases it is possible to achieve the reduced variant – Viparita Karani.

Execution technique

Sarvangasana – Abehda Yoga

The starting position is placed on the ground, lying on your back, on a sufficiently thick blanket.
We breathe deeply, we stay tuned.
We slowly raise the legs, pelvis and trunk from the ground. We push with the help of our hands the pelvis gradually reaching the end to keep the body in an inverted vertical position.
We firmly support the trunk with the help of hands, elbows are placed on the ground, as support points. Now we can exhale and breathe freely, willingly.

The entire weight of the body in this posture rests on the shoulders, elbows and head, which thus form a support triangle.
The soles and, in general, all muscle groups that are not strictly necessary for maintaining posture, should be as relaxed as possible. The body between the soles and shoulders should be absolutely straight, remaining perpendicular to the supporting surface of the floor.

The comeback will be achieved slowly, without lifting the head off the ground for 1-2 minutes.

Concentration and awareness during execution

According to the course initiation

Concentration and awareness immediately after execution

According to the course initiation

Possible mistakes and remedies

  • the soles and, in general, all muscle groups that are not strictly necessary for maintaining posture, should be as relaxed as possible;
  • The body, between the soles and shoulders, should be absolutely straight, remaining perpendicular to the supporting surface of the floor.


in cases of hyperthyroidism, caution and very careful supervision of the doctor is required (more frequent analyzes of hormonal levels); There are also cases when this condition has been alleviated or cured by the practice of Sarvangasana, but people who have this condition must necessarily monitor the evolution of thyroid hormone levels and stop performing Sarvangasana if these levels increase;

– does not run in cases of serious heart disease, pronounced hypertension and acute diseases of the head and neck area: otitis, dental abscess, angina, serious thyroid diseases, sinusitis, sclerosis of cerebral vessels, glaucoma;

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