There is a network of secret underground tunnels throughout Romania!

<>Professor Constantin Bursuc said he entered a vast network of artificial underground galleries: “There was a network of physical tunnels, real, under the whole of Romania. I have mapped, through measurements on the spot, only some of these underground communication paths, which are 4-5 km deep under the ground,”

For now, he cannot say precisely who and for what purpose he made these mysterious constructions, but he continues the research, and will make public the results obtained. He argues, however, that in their realization are involved intelligences from other worlds in the Universe or from other spatio-temporal dimensions.

“We started the research in Suceava, where there is an entrance gate to these constructions. I must tell you that there is, 5 km below the ground, a «Spiritual Center», in which I had access only following a special order, sent by the entities that accompanied me” , says the dance.

The professor claims that he actually entered a tunnel in Ceahlau, being accompanied to the entrance by Prof. Traian Stanciulescu, technical director of the Institute of Inventions, Iasi branch. That tunnel was sloping, it was about 10m wide and 15m high, with the vault, and in it the gravity was partially canceled, so that the movement inside was made in jumps. This phenomenon, which he cannot fully explain, allowed him to travel quite large distances in a short time through these underground labyrinths

<>According to the maps he made, there is a mysterious tunnel located at a depth of 1,500 meters under the ground, which connects the Retezat Mountains (Sargesia) to Bucegi (Busteni), Ceahlau (Sucidava) and Satu Mare, and all these bound tunnels would have the shape of a wolf’s head, symbol of the Dacian civilization. In the summer of 2007, Mr. Professor Bursuc also conducted research in the Godeanu Massif, west of the Tismana Monastery where he found other sub-Earth constructions.

Professor Badger’s statements are not an isolated phenomenon, there are several statements regarding the enigmatic existence of enigmatic constructions in the depths of Romania’s land, some of them being known and guarded with greatness even by the authorities.

However, the way in which these tunnels were technically made remains an enigma. Regarding their destination, the most plausible hypothesis is that they are part of the network of tunnels that exist on the entire planet and that connect with the mysterious world of Shambala.

Iasi professor Constantin Bursuc is known for numerous patents, among which we mention the reactive motor with eddy plasma that is successfully used in the construction of rockets. He is also the author of the volume “Build with your own means a UFO” published by Miracol publishing house, being a passionate of frontier sciences and research related to the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.


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