M.F. asks us:
“You said in the previous article that
….”Examples (negative, unfortunately) are here the most powerful demons who come from the ranks of angels but who have fallen to the test of the ego.”
Question: what is the ego test?
The negative extreme can be egocentric (with all the derivatives of superlatives) but going to the positive side we find altruism … and beyond? … further can be explained in words? Is there a scale by which the separation was made? … or we, as humans, are positioned where we belong, depending on the spiritual maturity we have reached?”
Answer Abheda Yoga Academy:
The “opposite” of the ego is not altruism…
But if they’re not ego-centered, people are selfless.
The ego is a structure that is not a true center of being,
but it has a tendency to substitute itself for the true center which is the Self… and who offers us Authentic, without needing any confirmation.
The ego has a tendency to:
- to attribute their actions and fruits
- to seek to feel separated from the real essence of being
- to need permanent confirmations of his ” value “,
precisely because it is not, in fact, a real center.
Thus, the ego manifests a process of “swelling”…
and, if I made a compromise with him once, the “crack” tends to widen.
The second time we tend to make an even bigger compromise… and so , this structure can become huge, with huge needs… but finite and lifeless.
The beings centered in the ego feel the permanent need to affirm it, to affirm its “value”
(precisely because of a subtle unconscious sensation that it is an insecure or unreal value).
In contrast, the beings who have the soul awakened or have access to the revelation of the Self do not feel this need because they are sure.
Another characteristic is that, not being centered in a real center, the psychism of the being centered in the ego is characterized by mechanicism, as described in the psychological typologies or the anagram. This is because the ego is not alive, but is a structure inferior to the soul through which the soul accepts to “look” at the world in a degrading and limited way.
The “test of the ego” is the temptation to center yourself in a finite inferior structure, which has these characteristics, and to give up contact with the individual Supreme Self or, at least, with the inner structure of the “living soul.”
This test should have been, in the case of the “first angel created”, simple to pass, because…
he was not an ignorant man, and he certainly knew these things very well.
The positive “extreme” is sat-cit-ananda
– the state of infinite divine happiness that includes in it the state of supreme existence and the state of perfect knowledge.
That is, we no longer feel the need for new sensations, people or places because we find them all in us in the perfect way.
The human state does not at all exclude having a demonic reporting or, more clearly, egotistical in the strongest way, or
to have the highest possible spiritual state.
The human state refers to the possession of a human physical body in a physical world.
But it has nothing to do with the spiritual level, which can be however high or no matter how … despicable.
Well, and this is characteristic of the human state… namely, that in the same world, side by side…
it is possible to exist, due to the integration into the physical world, also a superegotic being and a being with a very high spiritual level.
Which in the subtle worlds is not possible, due to the fact that everyone instantly positions himself in the world corresponding to his level of vibration.
This makes there also a special advantage of the human state:
it is possible, due to the integration into the physical body, to evolve rapidly and to leave the lower state, going to a higher state.
In subtle worlds it is difficult – but not impossible – to leave your own level of vibration and the world in which it cantons you.
In reality, all beings are naturally perfect and pure, but some of them choose to “imagine” that they are imperfect.
These are also “helped” by a series of possibilities of limiting and reducing the awareness of one’s own natural state created by the Supreme being itself within this cosmic scene that is the so-called – outer World.
Why God does this is his own mystery (i.e. it is a choice and we do not know and we have no way of finding out why he “deals” with this) but this is unimportant.
Important is the structure of this manifestation of the world and the way in which it can be transcended, in order to know the natural state.