These explanations are from the perspective of Abheda Yoga
and does not represent an opinion of the Orthodox religious cult.
This method of inner transformation and accelerated spiritual evolution is valuable because:
– it can be learned very quickly – 1-2 hours is enough;
– it has an effect regardless of whether or not the person has an authentic faith of a mystical nature (whether or not he believes in God and Jesus Christ), although it is much more effective if this belief exists; many people who considered themselves atheists begin to believe in God when they feel the effectiveness of hesychaste meditation;
– has efficiency from the very beginning;
– its effectiveness can exist regardless of our inner state or our psychic skills, unlike many other methods from other traditions – yoga or tao in general – which do not have efficiency if we do not already have certain skills specific to the method used;
– it is of Christian origin, so natural for our Western culture;
– its practice does not present any risk;
– does not allow dangerous aberrations and deviations, because addressing Jesus Christ eliminates the equivocation that may exist
We feel free in our Christian practice, being able to feel deeply Christian at any time, not only when we witness the ritual in a church.
But the most important attribute is the fact that the Christian meditation of the heart or the Hesychast meditation offers, among the spiritual pearls that are its fruits, the chance to access a state described as SPIRITUALITY IN THE MIDDLE OF LIFE.
Through hesychastic meditation , any moment of life, whether we feel tired or affected by the soul or whether we eat, drive the car or love, becomes a magical moment, full of the savor of the natural spirituality, which is also Christian.
From this perspective, hesychast meditation or Christian meditation of the heart is an exceptional method,
What should be part of humanity’s basic instruction
– and we are convinced that this method will be studied at school by almost every person,
as an absolutely necessary social (not only spiritual) tool.
But for these it is necessary to be initiated by a competent master
and to practice for a while, perhaps even longer, without much result,
until we gain the necessary skill.
It is true that after that the results are absolutely remarkable, but please note here that
Hesychast meditation or Christian meditation of the heart
It has a certain efficiency from the very beginning of practice.
It is the practice of hesychast meditation or Christian meditation of the heart
In contradiction to other methods such as, for example, yoga, tao, zen?
Well, if these methods are in their authentic form,
There is absolutely no contradiction
(but it is very important that they are in their authentic form).
We could understand that there is only one God,
of all beings in the universe, but an infinity of ways to reach Him.
The great sages of all authentic paths, beyond a certain spiritual attainment,
They speak identical language, describing the same spiritual reality.
In fact, repeating God’s name and addressing His grace
It is present in many traditions, many more than we would expect at first glance.
An ounce of practice makes tons of theory!
<, 225px" srcset=" 333w, 190w, 706w" alt="" width="225" height="236"> Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution