Question Păvăloaie Maria Constantin:
““Mr. Leo….
What sources do you research
if you allowed yourself to take the prayer of the heart
and mix it with these yogic devils?
From where and how far you dare to say
In an article from around 99 that it’s “wrong” to say
” Have mercy on me, a sinner???
You are monks who have researched for decades or a lifetime
Jesus Prayer and you found yourself
to mix the Orthodox Church
With these yogic devils and tell all kinds of lies
leading people into deception and throwing them to the bottom of hell.
Plus in the article above… Only nonsense you talk
of what you DON’T KNOW.
The Living and True God is ONE and none the other.
You with your yoogi practices
Not only do you worship devils
And you make others like you
but you also mock everything that pertains to Christ!!!!
Not to mention that you wrote Christ instead of Christ.
Please mind your own business
and to erase EVERYTHING related to the prayer of the heart
and take care of your devils.”
Acharya Leo Radutz answers:
” Mr. Păvăloaie Maria Constantin,
I believe and hope that you are well-intentioned
and you want it to be as good as possible on earth.
First of all, I apologize
for older opinions
Too firm
about hesychastic utterance.
Of course, it is not wrong with “me the sinner” either.
It has worked for hundreds or maybe thousands of years
And it would continue to work now.
It can therefore be so, in our opinion. But it is obvious (any sincere man,
Not to mention that a psychologist would admit)
that repeating such a statement of being a
sinner prolongs the sinful state does not shorten it.
I mean, it’s good that way, but most likely, it’s harder.
As the “stylists” who keep the old calendar
may be exceptional Christians,
even if Easter may, at some point,
to be in a strange period,
due to the error in the old calendar.
But it’s also good – that’s how the Christian tradition came to us.
I also corrected the spelling by correctly spelling Christ – it was an oversight
but I don’t think that’s a significant mistake either – we are just Christians, not “horseshoes”.
But it’s good, Christ is wonderful.
Thank you for your
comments and if you still have them, know that we check them carefully.
Please note that this article
and others are “from the perspective of Abheda Yoga”
and do not represent an explanation
about how hesychasm should be done in Orthodoxy.
That would be a mistake because
just as in Abheda Yoga only Abheda explains,
so too should Orthodoxy explain what only belongs to Orthodoxy.
We call it “meditation” not prayer
And we do it because we like it
We love it, we feel it and it’s something serious in our lives.
But Jesus is nobody’s property,
he is free to be invoked
and prayed for by anyone.
You say that we pray to devils.
I’m sorry – out of ignorance you accuse us.
But you might realize
– you can’t be a servant to two masters –
if we prayed to demons,
we wouldn’t do so much successful hesychast
meditation and we wouldn’t cultivate the spiritual virtues,
love, kindness, humility and others.
We would not expose the principles of the Luciferic Fall.
Here, in fact, we are praying to Jesus.
Won’t you allow us?
Are you telling us to pray to the devils?
How can a Christian say that?!
I was thinking that you should rejoice because, behold,
Abheda yoga brings people back to the church, it does not take them from there.
And without telling them, we are just inviting them to practice hesychastic meditation.
We do not speak ill of Christianity or of the church,
we speak of good, although, if we were malicious,
We would find enough arguments.
Many no longer come to church
precisely because of the fanaticism, materialism,
superficiality, unbelief and formalism of some.
But we know that it’s just “dryness”
and, in fact, most of them are very good people there.
It is not true yoga that attacks the
church, but Luciferianism which, with power,
in the mainstream media,
erodes on the face
Trust in the Church.
They make fun of newspapers and church televisions,
they turn churches into museums or discos
and from the altar into alcohol bars.
But we don’t hear you say anything about them,
but we, those of Abheda, behold,
you attack us pointlessly when we revive a precious
practice that in the church, I don’t know why, we can’t find.
And that’s where we should find it, actually.
I say that we should find ourselves on the same side of the barricade
and even love each other, because that would be the true Christian spirit.
The evil is elsewhere, not with us.“
acharya leo radutz