<>A wise man used to stay daily at the entrance to a city. One day, a traveler approached him and said:
– I’ve never been around before. How are the inhabitants of this city?
The wise man answered him with a question:
– How were the inhabitants of the city where you come from?
– Selfish and wicked. That’s why I’m glad I was able to get out of there.
– So are the inhabitants of this city, answered the wise man.
Shortly thereafter, another traveler approached him and addressed him:
– We have just arrived in this city. How are the people here?
The wise man answered with the same question:
– How were the inhabitants of the city where you come from?
– They were kind and honest. I had many friends there and I hardly left them.
– So are the inhabitants of this city, replied the wise man.
A merchant who had been around for some time and who had heard these discussions, turned to the wise man and said with reproach, immediately after the second hiker left:
– How can you give two completely different answers to one and the same question that these two people asked you?
– Son, each carries his own world in his own heart. He who has not found anything good in the past will not find anything good here either.
On the contrary, he who had friends in another city will also find faithful and reliable companions here.
Because, you see, the people we attract around us are the ones who are like us.
We can only see what we are able to see, no matter what is outside of us, because
what we see is a reflection of ourselves.
We can only see what we are able to see, no matter what is outside of us.
Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz.
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