Celebrities who practice yoga – Sting and Trudie Styler

<>Sting and his wife Trudie Styler, have been married for 20 years. However, they are in full form as well as their successful marriage; they claim that it is largely due to the fact that they practice yoga and have an active sex life.

Sting, 59, and Trudie, 57, started practicing yoga 22 years ago.

Trudie practices yoga daily:I practice yoga in sessions that last between 45 minutes and an hour and a half, every day.indiferent where I would be! Yoga is the most holistic way to tone your body and spirit. It soothes my chaotic thoughts of the mind, and soothes and relaxes the body, this is how I manage to de-stress myself.” she says.

Sting is equally proud of his results from the yogic practice, considering this a wonderful way to live your life:

<>“Yoga enriched my life, permitandu me to fortify myself physically, which is very beneficial, especially when you are getting older. I have numerous tournaments and I travel a lot, and this is not a very easy thing… Now I can control my body more than when I was a teenager and practicing athletics. I never thought I could do what I’m doing now after over 20 years of practicing yoga.” During the tours around the world, his entire band practices yoga before the performances, and Sting is convinced that the practice of yoga has led to the cohesion of their group, but also to a greater success in the audience.

Yoga is a great way to balance myself when I’m on tour, it brings me a lot of inner peace, and balance, andn my life that can sometimes be chaotic. Like music, yoga is a journey of a lifetime, so that you can develop it, and from which you have to learn continuously.”

<>Despite the fact that Sting and Trudie have reached a fairly old age, the artist stated that they continue to have an extremely active sex life.
The two admitted that they loved to make tantric lovemaking (love affair with the sexual continent). Sting with his wife practices lovemaking out of love for the other and does not believe in those who confuse sex with a sports activity, because only love is the only one that transforms and can resist time.

source: internet

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