o nouă grupă de Abheda Yoga si meditație
Cu Leo Radutz!
Din 15 septembrie - in Bucuresti si Online. CLICK pe link pentru detalii
People who practice yoga are human, harmonious, bright and have come to know themselves much better and are at peace with their own lives.
Yoga gives those who practice it a great dose of wisdom, depth and last but not least – happiness.
Yogis manage to considerably diminish their identification with their own ego, and some even transcend it.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the common denominator of these people is happiness and natural acceptance of all life’s challenges.
So, how do we recognize those who practice ABHEDA YOGA?
1. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA spontaneously manifest compassion and love in a way that makes them and those around them happy.
Without making an effort to do so, their own inner search generates a need and strength to be compassionate and loving as a natural way to live life.
2. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA are not afraid of loneliness and do not recognize this notion anymore, feeling complete and natural both collectively and alone.
Without aiming for such a search, however, loneliness loses its meaning and people feel a permanent and natural inner presence.
3. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA easily speak in public.
They no longer feel any difference between speaking in public or in a small circle and can freely manifest their ideas regardless of the environment.
4. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA have a pronounced practical sense.
Since they are accustomed to recognizing opportunities and tend to make do with a minimum of means, a better and better practical sense develops.
5. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA are not afraid to express their emotions.
This is because they spontaneously feel that handling emotions is not a form of weakness but a form of inner strength given by authenticity.
6. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA naturally control their emotions, if any.
Fear is greatly diminished or absent and they can show contagious courage in many tense situations.
7. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA know an inner peace that manifests itself even during dramatic events.
It is, in fact, one of the goals and tools of Abheda Yoga.
8. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA achieve good results in sports competitions.
Both due to the developed and harmonized physical body, as well as due to the capacity for mental and emotional control, sports results are maximum.
9. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA, if they wish, have very harmonious and fulfilling couple relationships based on love and natural respect.
There is spontaneous understanding and empathy towards other beings and especially towards people of the opposite sex, and sexual continence and manfested love make these relationships models for others.
10. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA, if they wish, have beautiful, harmonious families, are good parents, sons and teammates and face life’s trials much more effectively.
They know how to assume responsibilities and the roles they temporarily play in society are assumed and fulfilled as best they can.
11. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA have higher IQ and emotional intelligence than other social groups and constantly growing.
If for ordinary people there is a stiffening and even a decline in these areas, for people who practice ABHEDA YOGA the evolution is continuous.
12. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA manage to achieve much better results in education than ordinary people.
For them, their whole life is an academy and all the events and people they meet are their teachers.
13. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA cannot be hypnotized or easily subdued by advertisements or other suggestive phenomena.
The natural control of the mind is much better and the inner awakening makes such a person disobey subconscious habits, subroutines or tendencies.
14. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA naturally manifest human virtues, are sincere and spontaneous on the side of good.
They have a universal conception of what good means, accumulate and respect ethical, moral and spiritual principles.
15. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA age beautifully and spontaneously become centers of wisdom for those around them.
Aging is inevitable for everyone on Earth, but awkward phenomena are avoided and an inner light of wisdom is manifested that is a treasure for those around them and, of course, for the person concerned.
16. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA have much better health than ordinary people, have a strong immune system and are protected from many of the diseases that manifest themselves in society.
Many diseases can be cured and alleviated by ABHEDA YOGA and wise nutrition, energy, mental and emotional balance remove the prospect of suffering any disease.
17. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA tend to have an increasingly harmonious and healthy body, have bright eyes and an overflowing vitality radiates from their entire being.
In proportion to the practice, a field of sympathy is manifested around the abheda-yogis, which everyone feels and is perceived even by animals.
18. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA are much more open to authentic art and enjoy it with intensity.
Art becomes a spiritual path that can even offer states of samadhi with great ease.
19. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not gossip.
The only people who don’t gossip are those who deep down feel like their lives are quite fulfilling. If you’re happy and fulfilled with your life, why would you care what happens in someone else’s life?
20. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA think positively.
There are people who, always feeling unfulfilled, always complain about everything, and on the other side we have happy people who always see, rather, the glass half full and constantly look for more and more interesting things in their lives. Thinking positively is a prerequisite in the economy of a happy life.
21. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA are not envious.
Yogis recognize the positive aspects of their lives that don’t have to be identical to others and cherish them. They do not compare themselves with others, because they are satisfied with their own path in life, with what they have. Instead of acting with envy, they genuinely rejoice in the success of those around them and celebrate their successes with them.
22. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not need the confirmation of others.
Happy people don’t crave the appreciation and confirmation of others. They recognize their own worth, have well-defined self-respect, well-founded values, and do not live according to the expectations of others. They know that they have to do things for themselves, things that will help them evolve in life, and the fact that they are not concerned with the opinions of others helps them chart a path of personal evolution.
23. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not seek revenge.
This is because there is no reason why we would want revenge on another person. It is better to leave things as they are, to the will of universal laws, and to continue our lives, without being overwhelmed by negative thoughts and the desire for revenge. The only way to let go of your desire for revenge is to let go and accept a person or situation exactly as it is.
24. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA have no resentment.
Happy people have no resentment… If you keep thinking about something that has marked you in some way, you only amplify your inner suffering, and positive people know this and therefore prefer not to think about what could harm them. Learn to let go! The feeling of letting go of anger is truly liberating.
25. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not necessarily want to be right.
Many people tend to hold on to their beliefs because they just want to be right. In fact, the one who wants to be right at all costs is the ego. Many do not give up what they believe even when they are presented with solid arguments, so in front of such people it is better not to open topics on which you know they do not want to reflect at all, because discussions with them are only a waste of energy. Not accepting other perspectives betrays a strong ego, infatuation. It is better to maintain our opinions calmly, knowing how to listen to the arguments of others. In the end, both sides can agree that they can agree.
26. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA have no expectations and are completely detached from the results of their actions.
One of life’s greatest challenges is accepting people exactly as they are. Once you learn that your expectations won’t change others, your life will only get better. This also implies detachment from the fruits of one’s own actions, which implies a great deal of control over one’s own feelings. Problems arise when expectations do not materialize. Unrealistic expectations often lead to great disappointment with others. Having no expectations and being completely detached from results helps you live freely, without the immense pressure of preconceptions about what a situation should be, or how others should be.
27. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not avoid the problems they have.
When problems arise, as is normal, in everyone’s life, some people tend to “sweep them under the rug” instead of finding ways to solve them. Ignoring problems means burying yourself deeper into feelings of anxiety and stress. Therefore, confronting and solving problems is the surest way to overcome them successfully!
28. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA seek happiness deep within themselves and not outside.
Thus, for these people, happiness does not depend on how they look, the car they own, or the designer bag they have purchased. For these people, happiness is within. We have the power to give ourselves a connotation to the world around us, which is crucial to staying positive. Search within yourself to find happiness, peace and calm. They do not depend on anyone else, not on your partner, on anyone, not even on material possessions, but only on you! Looking for happiness on the outside is a mistake so many people make in their lives!
29.People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not think much about problems.
Thinking incessantly about something that causes you an inconvenience is not the best solution. Many times, the way we over-exaggerate a problem also causes disputes, quarrels between people. We don’t get much benefit from this habit of exaggerating a situation. The more we analyze, the more negative we tend to become, the more anxious, and the solution will be delayed. It is better to treat everything with more detachment and confidence in life, that everything is and will be fine.
30. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not live in the past but cultivate focus on the Present Moment, because they know that it is the door of eternity.
The past is passed for a good reason. We really have no reason to stay there, mentally clinging, since he cannot be changed. Happy people have made peace with their past, or are on this path, living with intensity all that the present offers them and creating a future as they want it. They actively try to achieve the best in their lives.
31. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA do not follow the flock.
Confidence in themselves, in everything they want, is essential for these people. They are so confident in their values that nothing seems to shake them. They tend to become leaders for those around them naturally, without seeking it themselves.
32. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA accept criticism from the perspective of a chance to improve something.
They do not exaggerate a situation or comment about themselves, and this is due to the greatly increased degree of control over their own thoughts and emotions. They listen carefully to what others have to say to them, whether it’s “good” or criticism. Some people experience even small dramas not understanding a message exactly as it was delivered, which is not very good for their emotional state. In fact, we have control over how we interpret things.
33. People who practice ABHEDA YOGA find in their lives and easily manifest a sense of the sacred.
In reality, people have a great need to rediscover the Sacred and Abheda Yoga masterfully and directly supports this.
If we have convinced you that it is worth practicing ABHEDA YOGA, if only for these thirty-three reasons, then do not hesitate and join us!
There are certainly many, many other reasons why you can practice Yoga, but the most important remains that through Yoga we can transform your entire life for the better, in an INTENSE and HARMONIOUS way!