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Cu Leo Radutz!
Din 15 septembrie - in Bucuresti si Online. CLICK pe link pentru detalii
The title of this article is inspired by a famous statement of the no less famous scientist Albert Einstein, who referred to the fact that what ordinary people call “coincidences” are, in fact, events that occur sycron, according to certain universal laws still insufficiently known.
In the same vein, renowned crime writer Agatha Christie said, through the mouth of one of her characters: “Any coincidence must always be noticed. You can ignore it later anyway if it turns out to be just a coincidence.”
Certainly, at least some of the following events have happened to everyone, at least once in our lives: we think of a certain person, whom we have not seen for a long time, and in a few moments, he calls us; we meet in a strange city with a dear friend, with whom we had lost touch for some time; we find at the talcioc an object that belonged to us in childhood, and of which we had forgotten; We need some information, and the bookstore we go into gives us a book where we find exactly what we were looking for.
Coincidences? Goings? Or maybe a mysterious game of hidden forces, possibly of a divine nature? What is it about such a coincidence that makes an emotional chord vibrate? Each time, in such cases, we feel a hidden shiver, the feeling that we have been “chosen” somehow. One moment we wander in the apparent chaos of everyday existence, and immediately afterwards we find ourselves in another dimension of reality, where all disparate elements converge towards the same goal. For a second, perhaps, the impression that we are small and insignificant disappears, and we become a coherent part of the great Universal Order. Researchers have determined that people who frequently observe coincidences are generally more confident and at peace with life.
If we look up the definition of the term “coincidence” in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language, we will find out that it means “(accidental) match of two things, events, facts, etc.”. On the other hand, both probability mathematicians and theoretical physicists tune into supporting the existence of an “implicit order” (as the physicist called it) David Bohm), of a coherent event structure that places events according to an intrinsic logical structure, even if it sometimes evades limited human judgment.
Therefore, we will prefer instead of the term “coincidence” the one of “synchronicity”, proposed by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. In 1952, together with physicist Wolfgang Pauli, Jung wrote a book entitled “The interpretation and Nature of the Psyche“. Verbatim, chronicity as a term defined here refers to the coincidence in time of two or more events not causally related, but having the same meaning. Simply put, synchronicities are significant coincidences.
The perception and interpretation of synchronicities began, we can say, thousands of years ago, as chroniclers recorded solar eclipses, planetary conjunctions or the appearance of a meteorite or comet in the night sky, events that were then correlated with episodes of famine, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, military victories or defeats, or even the deaths of important people. The fascination that these phenomena have acquired has led to the development of a real business – that of predictions and predictions, or prophecies. For example, a famous representative of those who dealt with such predictions is Nostradamus, a French physician and astrologer of the sixteenth century. His disturbing predictions were synthesized in a veritable treatise on predictive astrology, which remains for the most part, even today, mysterious and interpretable.
Why do we like “coincidences”? It is possible that these true synchronicities constitute the fundamental elements of the human condition; The rhythms and structures that exist in our lives give us a certain symmetry and order of existence. Perhaps the human brain itself is programmed to search for and detect synchronicities. And if they are doubtful, we can “create” them to satisfy our need for order. The law of “large numbers” in statistics expresses that if the considered sample is large enough, even unlikely events become quite possible. Statistics prove that, contrary to our expectations, pure “chance” is not simple at all! And what seems impossible to an individual turns out to be very likely, on a macrocosmic scale.
The latest discoveries of quantum physics reveal the objective impact of the observer’s attention and consciousness on an observed phenomenon. Simply put, a certain phenomenon proceeds in a certain way if it is observed by someone from the outside, and otherwise, in other parameters, if there is at least one observer directing the energy of his attention and consciousness to him. Also, the probability of an event occurring increases in direct proportion to the degree of attention it is given.
Nobel laureate physicist Wolfgang Pauli believed that “synchronicities are visible traces of invisible principles” (see “Synchronicity, an Acausal Connecting Principle“, by W. Pauli and C. G. Jung). Biologist Rupert Sheldrake also believes that certain synchronicities can be explained by his theory of morphic resonance, which advocates the existence of telepathic connections between various organisms, and fields of collective memory of species. In other words, “ideas float in the ether,” and if we are sufficiently receptive and attuned to their wave frequency, then we can “catch” and decode them.
Sheldrake says: ” Freud reinvented the subconscious, and Jung later argued that, in addition to the personal unconscious, there is also a collective unconscious. Morphic resonance holds that our souls are connected to those of all other beings, and to the world around us.”
In the early twentieth century, Paul Kammerer captured the tendency of synchronicities to manifest themselves in agglomerations of events, called “clusters”. In 1919, he proposed the so-called “law of seriality”, according to which clusters demonstrate the existence of a deep, invisible force. Synchronous event clusters are like tiny ripples on the surface of a lake that are animated by something much deeper operating in the depths. This is evidence of a hyperconnected universe, of whose existence only those who perceive with acuteness the “energy world” are aware.
Modern physics has also demonstrated the perfect connection between two subatomic particles that are generated simultaneously. If they are separated later, each of them seems to “know” about the transformations that her “sister” undergoes, regardless of the distance separating them. Information is transmitted instantaneously, regardless of distance! The phenomenon of telepathy seems to work in the… elementary particles!
According to Max Planck“Energy is at the origin of all forms of matter. Reality, true existence is not matter, visible and perishable, but invisible and eternal energy; That’s the truth.” Einstein said: “After years of study, thought and meditation, I have come to the conclusion that there is only one thing in the universe, and that is energy, and beyond it there is a Supreme Intelligence.”
The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer considered synchronicities an expression of “the marvellous predetermined harmony of the universe”. These are, in his view, “subjective connections” with the environment; Their importance derives from the meaning that each individual assigns to them, being relevant only to the one who experiences them.
Physicist David Bohm suggests that the universe is nothing more than a vast hologram, in which each fragment contains the whole. This “explicit order” would be a reflection of the higher dimensional levels of reality. Life and consciousness are infused at every level of the reality of the material world. They seek and connect everywhere, and from this play of energies and consciousness sometimes arise (much more often than noted!) so-called significant “coincidences”, or synchronicities…
We live in a hyperconnected universe where each of us is but one piece of God’s great puzzle. But any piece, no matter how small, is unique….