So if we were to talk about what is the root of any sin, then the Bible has already answered this question a few thousand years ago.
The Old Testament says:
“Man’s main sin is hubris.”
Therefore, hubris is not only the cause of disease, trouble, the pathology of the soul and character, but is the basis of all sin: murder, lying, lust, betrayal, contempt for people, envy, stinginess, worship of power and money.
All of this has as its root the main sin that is called hubris. And it’s very important to understand what hubris is.
Usually, so to speak, there are various definitions: we have become accustomed to a standard point of view, quite typical. The hubris is when man puts himself on top of others. Lack of desire to live and depression are some of the forms of hubris. If you’ve judged someone, it means you have hubris, if you feel superior to someone, it means you have hubris. In addition, a few definitions of hubris can be given, 10, 15, 20, 50 attributes that are inherent to the egotistical man can be listed.
What is hubris? How can I explain this vice to a man? When you tell a man about the presence of this vice in him, you often hear in response: “But I am not proud of anything. It’s not about me.” And forget about the fact that we often say, “I alone. I make the decision. I think so, that’s my opinion. I’m talking, and you’re listening. Who are you to give me orders and so on.”
Judgment, insult, desire to take revenge, feeling offended are the manifestations of hubris and also pride, agonized wealth, family, children and your own kind. It’s all right. The ones listed are, exactly, signs of hubris.
The hubris is, first of all, the separation, the alienation from God and also from the Universe and from other people. Then you don’t feel the world around you and there’s a sense of superiority or demeanor. Pride is self-attachment—self-worship, to its own outer “I”.
Pride is the lack of understanding that our “Self” is divine and the human one is secondary. The secondary “eul” is short-lived, lives very little, is illusory, dissipates quickly, but it takes over all functions on it. And looking at us, we see our body, we see that we judge, we think, and we believe that we are only flesh. And such a perception of man closes the possibility of transforming him..
If we talk about hubris as a loss of aspiration to God, then it occurs when the outer “Ego” eclipses the sense of unity with God, when our supreme “self” hides behind the outer “Ego”, when our human “self” tries to put itself first, to rule the world and to take upon itself the resolution of all problems independently.
The proud man either represses others or represses himself. I mean, I worship my “Ego”, I worship myself, I put it first, and that’s when hubris comes along. I worship either myself or another man. I adore: either himself or another. I just can’t feel that God is in everything. That’s why I choose all the time: either on oneself or another. If I adore myself, then I trample on others. If I adore another, then I trample on myself and worship the other man. A vain man tries to trample everyone else. Appropriately, from here comes selfishness, consumerism, lack of desire to compromise, lack of desire to understand the other man and put yourself in his place, inability to care.
A vain man can’t have anything in common.
He has to manipulate them all.
Everyone has to obey him.
The world has to be the way he sees it.
He wants to impose his own image of the world throughout the Universe and everything has to correspond to this image of the world.
A proud man wants to be right all the time and wants to have the last word.
A vain man speaks all the time accusatoryly and reproachfully.
A vain man can’t sacrifice anything. That’s why there’s not a collaboration, it’s a struggle. A collaboration takes place in a soulful man: “I must compromise, reach an understanding, put the other in his place, sacrifice, make him happy.” I mean, there’s always an interaction, a creation of something in common.
In a vain man there is no connection and no equality. He either worships someone or tramples on someone. And under such conditions, there is no normal relationship and no friendship.
The hubris begins with inequality, by separating yourself from other people. Pride begins with inequality, when man separates from God. When there is no sense of unity with God, then man begins to work for his “I” outside and then already begins separation from other people.
When we feel that we have a connection with God, then it is easy for us to accept the world created by Him and feel unity with people. Thus, divine logic passes into human logic.
Usually, a vain man is not sincere because hubris and insincerity go hand in hand. That’s why a vain man often doesn’t express his claims. He keeps them inside, irriting himself, indignant, but he doesn’t externalize them. And, strange as it may be, this is hubris, because discontent on the outside represents the change of the situation, and the discontent on the inside is the struggle with God and destiny.
A man with a high ego cannot love, because love immediately turns into an attachment to him. Because, for the most part, his love must go to God: the feeling of gratitude to God, of acceptance of the Divine will. If this does not happen, then the energy of love is consumed on the man you love, there is an explosion of attachment by which we simply kill this one. When the attachment is very strong, then at the smallest thing that is not right, in us there is an explosion of indignation and we are ready to destroy the man. Therefore, love that has turned into attachment becomes the instrument of a crime. And for this reason, a vain man is often not given the feeling of love so that he does not kill the man he loves, energetically and physically. Therefore, in this case, you need to learn to love the one you don’t like, to love him as a child.
Pride is the result of God’s high skills. Pride is attachment to capabilities, because when man is capable, he has a sense of superiority over another. When one man is given too many things, with much more than another: more beauty, intelligence, energy, more feelings, money and the rest of things, then he can forget that love should come first, that everything can be sacrificed for love, that we are soul, divine and eternal, and all other things are fleeting. He can forget about this and begin to cling to his own desires and aspirations, increased energy, high capacities, a large amount of money, well-being, sexuality, warm relationships and further problems begin.
Pride is the inability and unwillingness to change. When hubris occurs in man, he cannot change his character in depth, because his character catches on to the body and consciously, and their change is perceived as degradation and death. Then man upholds his justice and his correct image of the world. He is ready to die only to uphold his justice. He is ready to die to restore justice. He is ready to kill the one who had an unfair attitude towards him. I mean, this man who doesn’t understand that he’s essentially divine, starts defending not love but morality. And defending morality, he is ready to judge, hate and kill anyone.
What does it mean to do something right, live fairly and control everything? It’s the feeling that I’m minded, I’m spirit, I’m conscious and it means that everything has to be accurate, everything has to go right. When we put the conscious first together with our human “self”, with the body and with the mind, then we want to live so that everything is right, so that everything is under control and to control everything. In other words, essentially, we put the human “e”, first and try to remove God. When our human “self” comes first, then everything must be subject to the control of our consciousness, everything must be right, everything must be perfect. This is how a gradual increase in hubris begins because the main sin is the very loss of unity with God, the feeling that our human “e” is paramount.
Pride means focusing on external human aspects—on the body, on the mind, and on the superficial levels of the soul.
“Thebeginning of man’s toil is to leave the Lord and keep his heart away from the One who made him,”it says in the Old Testament.
Pride is the loss of connection with God.
If God is love, then this means that the beginning of hubris is the loss of love. So something has to replace, unnoticed, love. What can replace it? When man loses his love for God, then his love turns into lust, into pleasure. I mean, he already doesn’t want pain anymore, he just wants pleasure. He doesn’t want to give, he just wants to get it. Therefore, separation from God begins when man ceases to see the divine will in everything and when he begins to divide the whole Universe into good and evil. When man is envious, angry, judging, hating, then this is the way he departs from love and from God.
Pride means a lack of understanding that the Divine will always works for the good of our supreme “I”,in favor of saving our contact with the supreme “Self”, even if our clay “self” is offended by disease, misfortune and even death.
Where does hubris come from? When man does not accept the divine will: he regrets the past, he is afraid of the future, that is, he worries about the future, when he is dissatisfied with the present, with the people and the world around him, when he does not see the Creator in every man, then this is also the beginning of hubris. Which then leads, in turn, to the birth of negative traits, to their intensification and to the beginning of problems, diseases and troubles.
SN Lazarev