o nouă grupă de Abheda Yoga si meditație
Cu Leo Radutz!
Din 15 septembrie - in Bucuresti si Online. CLICK pe link pentru detalii
Of course, yoga is something we only do if we sincerely want and aspire— not when someone forces us.
Only our soul could push us to do yoga.
Why is that?
Because he realizes that there is no alternative.
Yoga is life itself and life doesn’t take breaks.
I leave this one with life… I mean, why couldn’t I take breaks from yoga?
Yoga is a science of our consciousness that studies and deals, in fact, with obtaining what any being wants, not just man:
- Fulfillment
- Satisfaction
- real and lasting happiness.
Any process of joy or fulfillment occurs, most of the time unconsciously, through what yoga can consciously know and cultivate
There is a Self or a soul and an ego and whether we know or ignore it.
To achieve fulfillment,
the meaning is to transcend identification
with the ego, to awaken spiritually, and
to become free, alive and happy.
This can be achieved without yoga, but much harder and with falls and comebacks.
The positive meaning, which brings the true joy of living,
knowledge, freedom and happiness is yoga, no matter how we call it.
Just as, for example, to be warm in the house we know that we can wait, but better we can turn on the heating plant.
And Abheda does that…
we live life with meaning,
learn to make the right decisions when needed
and to graduate the tests of life.
There are the psychic compulsions on the aeneagram
and if we don’t wake up,
we are mechanical and compulsive
and instead of living life, she lives us.
There are the astrological influences…
and they cannot be transcenseed if… we don’t do yoga
If we ignore this danger, we will have a life ruled by the stars, obediently following a seemingly imposed route, but which could have been another, chosen much more freely if… we would have done yoga.
Because “there is no stagnation, only evolution or involution”…
When I fell to an important test of life,
if we don’t seek to solve it we not only cap ourselves, but usually “take it down”.
If we have chosen at some point the lower emotions or feelings – attachment, envy, selfishness, malice, lying, carelessness, egotistical fringe, unloving – and we have justified them, they will “stick” to us as if they were their own nature.
Then, these feelings “detach” hard, because after the fall there is a tendency to lean on them and not on the authentic.
! In particular, the ego test makes it…
if in an important moment, instead of transcending the ego, we “embraced” it,after that,
as a kind of search for a repair, we seek to justify that by identifying with the ego and more and more.
until this becomes so common that we can’t even notice it anymore.
Then comes the stage with “the ego contains in it
the seed of self-destruction”and we make decisions that obviously are against us, but we can’t see that… and we continue…
If we don’t have a relatively constant tapas,
the moments of hiatus that exist according to the law of 7 will not be sustained with energy and determination and the process will give back somewhat.
How much will he give back?
It is repeated and repeated and usually continuous,
until it reaches the equalizing level of ordinary people,
but it can also be lower than this level.
If we have a tapas only energetic, without techniques to amplify the aspect of consciousness, selfishness and spiritual hubris can develop almost unhindered.
! Just when we have to transcend an inner problem, that’s when the ego tells us that it’s exaggerated to continue doing yoga, because it’s hard.
If we want to do only when we feel like it, then exactly when we have to transcend a smallness of mind we will notice that we do not “feel like it”.
May it not be now time for me to do yoga?
Not. For anyone it’s time to do yoga, whether he likes it or not, because it’s not a hobby, it’s life itself. Whether the person can do this or not, is something else.
Can I mess up on my own without coming to the course?
Depends on.
If we have managed to amplify consciousness significantly so that we benefit from a certain
spiritual awakening
, yes, it can be done.
But that’s pretty rare.
In addition, in the course we benefit from a spiritual impulse that, however it is, is better than if it were not.
And a community and many spiritual actions organized precisely to benefit from a transforming united force.
What form of yoga is better to practice?
A form of nondualist yoga, which integrates spirituality in the middle of life, with love and work alike.
These are really rare and Abheda is one of them.
What form of yoga is better not to practice?
Of the authentic ones,
it’s good to avoid
dualistic variants, which offers only energetic exercises
or just sports, who do not respect or do
not know at all the concept of universal Good… and who do not have an authentic master or master.
So why is it necessary to do yoga and any unused time is a wasted time?
- there is no stagnation, only evolution or involution
- usually psychism is mechanical and this can only be solved through yoga
- there are always astrological influences and can only be transcense through yoga
- any phenomenon of self-overcoming and this happens daily requires an overeating, a conscious acceptance of the discomfort for evolution and that is yoga
- inner freedom, the opposite of addiction is achieved through yoga
- our aspirations of happiness and fulfillment that always exist can be understood and realized through yoga.
Leo Radutz