o nouă grupă de Abheda Yoga si meditație
Cu Leo Radutz!
Din 15 septembrie - in Bucuresti si Online. CLICK pe link pentru detalii
Abheda Yoga Academy is pleased to announce the start of the TTC200 Yoga Teacher Course, which will begin on October 13, 2018.
For those who want to walk this beautiful spiritual path by acquiring the knowledge necessary to become an internationally accredited yoga instructor is a special opportunity to penetrate the mysteries of yogic teachings.
In the course you will be able to learn about nondualistic yoga, will study the basic writings of yoga – Bhagavat Gita, Hatha Yoga Prapika, Gheranda Samhita, Yoga Sutras, and Sanskrit language – basic.
Also, study will be
carried out:
Practical and theoretical elements of
hatha, raja, jnana, bhakti and karma yogaPractical elements of anatomy, physiology and nutrition
Sanskrit Writing Summary Items
Teaching pedagogy
A comparative study of the main authentic spiritual traditions throughout history – yoga, Buddhism, Zen, Christianity – the Isihast tradition, Sufism, etc.
About Sat-Chit-Ananda
Integration into Self from the perspective of Abhinanagupta, Ramana Maharishi, Ramakrishna, Shankaracharya
Asane yoga and basic techniques in Pranayama
Extended presentation and practical guidance in some forms of meditation: Anuttara fundamental meditation of integration in oneself, meditation of the state of presence
How can any obstacles in meditation be overcome in practice,
Meditation in the Dark – Kaya Kalpa from a nondualist perspective
The 4 fundamental states of consciousness
Methods for enhancing mind focus capacity
Participation in a 3-day fundamental meditation retreat
Individual 24-hour retreat in the dark
About Samadhi
and many more…
For more information and course registration, please visit the following link: http://www.abhedayoga.ro/abheda-ttc/