Is meditation good when, however, we are sleepy?
HERE a meditation for beginners
We would be tempted to say that it is not worth the effort, because then we need sleep and not meditation. Meditation may seem ineffective, excruciating or pointless.
That’s right… i.e. then we need sleep – but out of perseverance we can gain a spiritual gold perhaps even more precious.
Through the effort made when we need sleep to achieve fundamental meditation we gain amplification
POWER TO MAINTAIN THE STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS OR PRESENCE. That’s why meditation is good when we make aphorias to resist.
Această capacitate de care nu suntem conștienți din primul moment al apariției ei…
- smooths the way to realization or the state of perfection, samadhi or pure-existence – pure consciousness –pure happiness
- is a fundamental power in the dream state or when we act in the astral or causal body
- is the most direct form of spirituality in the middle of life
- makes us careful, efficient
- it is connected with the state of authentic. Or Truth.
Meditația este foarte răspândită în Orient, ca parte integrantă a practicilor religioase, dar și un obicei al persoanelor de succes, fiind considerată o modalitate de a face față mai ușor stresului și anxietății. Implică concentrarea asupra problemelor morale, intelectuale sau abstracte care conduc la purificare spirituală.
Leo Radutz