Mind and breathing control in isychast meditation

Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!

This article only suggests

what could be mind and breath control in Christian mystical meditation,

in the vision of Abheda Yoga

(and therefore not in the view of an Orthodox authority,

with which, however, it could coincide).
But so we say it just suggests,

because these practical aspects cannot be learned

from a few explanatory lines

and the best way

It is the direct guidance of a competent person.

The Holy Fathers have long known the breath-mind relationship

namely, that a restless breath is connected

with a restless mind.
Breath control is meant to master

and bring peace of mind.

Breathing techniques are very common in the holy fathers.

In a state of deep reflection the movement of breath slows down…

As for breathing, they (those who practice) reduce it as much as possible.

These effects then follow spontaneously in the practice of prayer of the heart.”

St. Grigore Palama in the work Defending Saints Isihasti.

Also here Grigorie Sinaitul recommends:

Master the movement of your lungs so that you do not breathe freely

for the storm of breaths that ascend to the heart darkens the mind

and disturbs thought.

And if you see the impurity of thoughts

thou shalt not heed them, but,

as much as you can stop your breath;

Close your mind in your heart

and continue the call of the Lord Jesus .”

It is recommended to hold your breath after saying the prayer

and deep contemplation of stillness of mind

which appears then, for Gregory Sinaite also says:

Holding your breath rules the mind, but only in part.

But when the work of prayer comes,

the mind will truly be mastered .”

from the work on the contemplative life.

That is why some admonish to master the movement of their breaths and hold it a little,

for the mind to stand still as long as they hold their breath…

reaching to bring it perfectly

to the state of unifying concentration.”
Gregory Palama

Mind and breathing control

In Hesychast mystical meditation it is apparently simple

But it is powerful.

A fundamental practical key:
In fact, it is NOT slowing down breathing that generates efficiency, but especially,

Efficiency in meditation generates slowing of breathing.

What we can do, however, is allow this slowdown.
knowing that it is an effect of repeated prayer in meditation

And that if we don’t allow slowing down, meditation won’t move forward properly either.

Yogacharya Leo Radutz

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