A valuable secret: the dissociated diet – the associated compatible diet – health and weight control by eating what you want-this
article is edited according to the lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet-
Most of the energy we get from food is consumed for its digestion: up to 80%.
So, the way we eat and the “accounting” of food are of great importance
It doesn’t just matter what we eat, but also how we eat. Especially how we combine the foods consumed at a meal (and possibly during a day). Also, safe and permanent weight reduction is directly related to the amount of energy we have at our disposal and its efficient use to remove residues (excessive weight) from the body.
Prin acest regim numit disociat putem mânca ce vrem
and to have a good, easy, healthy digestion, we can regulate our weight with great ease and we can feel freer and stronger.
Of course, it is good that the food is as natural, healthy, pure as possible. However, the described regimen helps anyone, regardless of the food with which they are accustomed – they just have to eat the food otherwise associated with it!
In the following, we will prefer the introduction of the new concept of “Compatible associated nutrition“, for several reasons:
1. The term “dissociated” reflects from the start a certain split, a separation from a common trunk; or, our goal is to unify the different facets of our lives, including the food level! We do not disassociate non-compliant elements, but we associate mutually reinforcing elements, without counteracting their effects;
2. This association will be made between compatible elements, in the sense that we will explain below.
Note that this concept of “compatible association” can extend to our entire lifestyle
comprising nutrition, physical effort, sleep regime, maintenance belts based on natural or quasi-natural products, behavior, attitude, way of thinking, management of emotions, etc.
So we can talk about “an associated compatible lifestyle”!
And this association relates, of course, to the elements that intervene in a coherent whole. For example, we cannot say that we want to practice a performance sport, and to languish every morning until late hours in bed, “bypassing” the trainings – these are incompatible behaviors and attitudes.
Likewise, we cannot pretend to want to lose weight, and to continue to consume food chaotically and in large quantities – an example of feeding incompatible with the proposed desideratum.
Finally, we cannot say that we want to cure ourselves of a certain disease, for example ulcers, and continue to get angry for any reason, to eat disorderly and to maintain an irregular sleep schedule.
All these elements are unrelated and incompatible, representing vectors of contrary directions of evolution.
As for the associated compatible food, it will include, at each meal, certain foods that are digested “the same” in the body, requiring as little energy as possible for digestion. Digestion spends more energy than running, swimming or cycling.
There is nothing that consumes more energy than digestion
Energy is very important for the detoxification of the body, because if we remove toxic residues from the body, we will also normalize our weight. The cycle of elimination also demands a great deal of energy expenditure.
Where does the new internal energy come from?
Of course, from our digestive pathways.
The combination of food is based on the discovery that certain food combinations are digested with more ease and efficiency than others, so with a lower consumption of internal energy. Incorrect combinations of food lead to a real crisis of internal energy and to the spectacular shortening of life. Death occurs when the body no longer has the necessary energy at its disposal.
There are some conclusions that can be useful to us at this stage:
1.Each mammalian species has a constitution adapted to a particular type of food.
There are carnivores, herbivores, fruitivores, omnivores, each with its own type of digestive tract. Man does not possess all these types of digestive tract. And yet, we ingest all possible kinds of food.
Combinations of dishes such as: eggs with bread, cheese with bread, cereals with milk, etc., are not in the interest of our health and will not provide the energy we need or the body we dream of.
2.The human stomach is not “designed” by nature to digest more than one concentrated food at a meal (any kind of food that is not fruit or raw vegetable is a concentrated food).
In combining food we will take into account some requirements:
1. Minimum energy consumption by digestion.
2. The food should not stay in our stomach for 8 hours and spoil, then pass and remain in the intestines over 20 hours.
3. Food must remain a maximum of 3 hours in our stomach without rotting, fermenting, without then producing gases, burns, acid indigestion, etc.
4. Processed food in the stomach should pass quickly and efficiently through the intestines.
Finally, considering all these basic elements, we can now state …
Principles of compatible associated nutrition
Food can be divided into three groups:
A. Protein: dairy, cheese, eggs, soya…
B. Neutral foods: almost all vegetables, salads, seeds, nuts and other oilseeds, butter, olive oil, other types of edible oil;
C. Carbohydrates: biscuits , pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar/honey, sweets, cereals/cereal flakes, bread, etc.
*Legumes: beans, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc. have a fairly high protein content, but some also contain carbohydrates, so they are a special case, usually assimilated to one of the groups A or C.
Association rule:
Any food in group A may be combined with any food in group B.
Any food in group B may be combined with any food in group C.
Never combine foods from groups A and C, and between meals where foods of group A or C are consumed you must leave an interval of 3-4 hours.
Also, in addition to this keystone of healthy eating, it is good to keep in mind the following:
1. It is advisable to avoid the consumption of refined foods (for example: white bread, white pasta, white rice, white sugar), preferring wholemeal ones (for example: wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread, brown rice, brown sugar / honey).
2. Limit sugar consumption, preferring honey, in moderate amounts.
3. Use only one source of protein per meal, for example: only cheese or eggs, etc. (along with salads, possibly).
4. Eliminate (preferably completely) the consumption of alcoholic beverages or caffeine.
5. Follow very strictly the rule of not consuming liquids immediately before a meal or immediately after a meal (it is good to let it pass about 15-20 min.).
6. Prefer the unrefined ones (whole grains, potatoes) instead of refined carbohydrates.
Fruits are eaten on their own. You can eat fruit salads, but not as dessert.
And, of course, the secret to a healthy diet is moderation!
Here are some examples of food combinations that could serve menus:
Example 1 :
If you eat eggs or cheese, you can combine them with salad, and not with potatoes, rice, macaroni, or bread. You can combine them with: green beans, tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, celery, cauliflower, zucchini.
Example 2 :
You can eat potatoes boiled with butter, matched with zucchini, green beans, but also with salad.
You can eat starchy foods (potatoes, rice, green beans, pasta, eggplant, garlic), but you should also eat a salad of crudities.
If you want to eat cheese with salad, do not use bread!
Example 3 :
Is it advisable to combine one category of protein with other proteins? Not! Because combining two concentrated foods at a single meal exceeds the possibilities of our stomach to function properly and with minimal energy expenditure.
Two proteins of the same kind can be combined: for example, different dairy products, but not two different proteins, such as: dairy eggs. Combining starches with each other can be done because they do not break down as hard as proteins, and the phenomenon of fermentation does not occur.
Here are some general tips on designing a full menu during a day:
A.The order in which the food will be consumed in a day is good to be the following:
1.Fresh juices and fruits.
2.Fresh vegetable juices and salads.
3.Boiled vegetables, raw nuts, seeds.
4.Cereals, bread, potatoes, vegetables.
5.Eggs, cheeses.
B. It is not advisable to boil (in compotes, jams, cakes) of fruits, because their alkalinity turns into acidity.
C. Vegetables such as cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes combine very well with fruits, with other cooked vegetables, with pasta or rice.
D. Cooked tomatoes become very acidic.
E.The fruits will dry in the sun, not chemically.
F. Walnuts will be eaten raw. In this state, they are very nutritious and easily digestible. They contain protein and calcium. However, do not overeat with nuts and do not eat them fried, as they are very acidic. Raw nuts are a wonderful source of natural oil.
G. Seeds in general are a source of concentrated protein, and should be consumed raw, never roasted and only in small amounts. Do not combine the seeds with other concentrated foods.
H. Avoid the consumption of pasteurized dairy products.
I. Animal fats (meat) will always be avoided.
J. Oils are recommended to be as little refined as possible, the best being obtained by cold pressing.
K. Periodically, eat one day a week only fruits and salads.
L. Fruits are eaten only on an empty stomach. Breakfast should consist only of fruits, fruit or vegetable juices (cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes).
M. The correct combination of food is:
- Salads with protein ( eggs, cheeses, dairy). They can be accompanied by zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, green beans, carrots, onions, garlic, parsley, celery, eggplant, mixed (salad) or individually.
- Cooked vegetables can combine with each other, but only with raw vegetables or raw vegetable salads.
- Salads with starches (potato, wheat, bread, cornmeal – polenta, rice, peas, green beans. The latter can be combined with cooked vegetables, but necessarily also with a salad of raw vegetables).
- You can combine starches with each other.
N. Do not drink water during a meal or for about half an hour after a meal.
O. After 9 p.m. it is advisable not to eat anything.
Paraphrasing a well-known Romanian proverb, we can say:
« Tell me what you eat, to tell you who you are! »
Consistently respecting the principles stated above, we will have the opportunity to gradually extend the consonance between the requirements of our body and diet to our entire lifestyle. Thus, we will contribute to the unification of our being, which will cease to manifest as a conglomeration of contradictory tendencies of the I-ers, and will tend more and more towards harmony and unification.