Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus – The Need for Stability

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Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus – The need for stability. 30 April 2022, 23:28 – Romania time

The second moment of the New Moon of April takes the form of a partial Solar Eclipse, due to the proximity to the Lunar North Node and takes place
on Saturday, April 30, 2022
, in the zodiac sign of Taurus.

The new beginnings, projects or plans we make are focused on resources, properties, values but also simplicity, affection and pleasure.
It’s time to be present, to project positively, to trust and to start those actions that we really find ourselves in.

The detoxification capacity of the body is maximum on the day of the New Moon.

Anyone who makes a rule of having a fasting day every time the Moon is New will benefit from many advantages in preventing ailments.
Also this day is perfect to start a new activity such as the unlearning of bad habits.
Often bad habits are the outward expression of inner energies that need only a new goal to become useful and valuable to us and to other people.

We can choose that this new beginning to “settle” better in our being and to fully benefit from this astrological aspect.
It is advisable to perform a short meditation of about 20 minutes, in its maximum period, 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after it takes place, that is, between 23:18 and 23:38.

How we meditate:

We sat on a chair with our backs straight and with our hands resting on our thighs with our palms down.
We aim to completely relax our body, especially the muscles of the face.
It is necessary to feel the physical body abandoned and immobile.
After we have achieved the “parking” of the body we turn our attention inside the body, in the middle of the chest.
We imagine that we are dimensionless, at that level.
Throughout the meditation, we aim to feel the complex influence of this astral moment, the New Moon.
The luminaries, the Sun and the Moon participate in the “cosmic wedding”, by sharing the same zodiac degree.
Now the masculine and the feminine merge into a perfect unit.
Due to the conjunction between the Sun and the Moon there is a special complementarity of yin-yang energies in nature.

We aim to find a perfect agreement between our will and God’s Will.
Thus, our consciousness will go through exceptional spiritual transformations that will lead to the acquisition of the state of harmony and inner peace.

Through the state of consciousness cultivated through different techniques Abheda Yoga, certain unfavorable astrological transits can be transcense.
Apart from these methods to be practiced systematically, it can be said that the destiny of men is written in the stars and it is relatively difficult for the ordinary man to manifest free will, independent of the influences of celestial bodies.

Shiva Ratri

The night that precedes this New Moon phenomenon is celebrated in the Oriental spiritual tradition under the name of Shiva Ratri.
In our case this phenomenon will take place on the night from 29 to 30 April 2022,

The night before the New Moon is a night of divine transcendence.
If we engage in spiritual activities, we can obtain exceptional results that are equivalent to the results obtained after a year of assiduous spiritual practice.

During this astral moment, it is good to:

  • we have an easy diet
  • to practice Anaharin – black fasting only with water,
  • reduce the pace of daily activities
  • to aim to orient ourselves inwards
  • to become aware that this night is particularly effective for the practice of meditation, it gives us the opportunity to achieve thus, important spiritual progress.

Specific astrological aspects

Saturday, April 30, 2022 – 23:28, Romania time
– marks
the Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus;

The perfect conjunction between the Moon and the Sun takes place in Taurus at the 10:28 degree, near the Lunar North Node (destiny) at the 22:25 degree.
The V house of this astral moment is dynamized, namely the sector of joy, creativity and love.
As with any eclipse, the influence of this solar eclipse in Taurus will be felt over a period of 6 months.

Lunar eclipses influence our emotional, spiritual side.
Solar eclipses influence our personality, our way of being, of behaving, or that way of being that we have considered our own until now.
With partial solar eclipse in taurus is indicated:

  • to be present so as to increase our awareness of the external reality
  • to pay attention to the people, happenings, words around us and especially to the synchronicities that may appear because they become “gates” of accessing a new reality both inside and outside
  • let’s start new chapters again
  • let’s rewrite other old chapters
  • to correct old behaviors to make room for new, beneficial ones
  • we realign ourselves with ourselves people who have the same vibration with us
  • we leave toxic people in the past, we can change our direction by specializing in new areas.

The proximity between the New Moon (
new plans, projects, activities
) and the North Node (
the dharma, or mission we have to fulfill for spiritual evolution)
in Taurus creates what we call a Solar Eclipse in Taurus
The impact on us is very profound because any beginning that is realized now is “meant” to be.
We have the support of destiny, of the “chance” to start those projects that realign us with our purpose.
This goal is aimed at the material side, resources and values.

What characterizes us during this period?

The need for STABILITY and the search for a tangible reality – We are pragmatic and practical at the same time.
The material aspect of life interests us, the notion of both material and sentimental stability becomes a leitmotif of these days.
We are interested in anything that can improve our “value”, as Taurus is a sign of value.
We will seek to grow ourselves:

  • our own self-worth by working with ourselves, seeking to love and value ourselves more
  • sentimental value through quality relationships in which we are appreciated and supported more
  • material value by improving the way we manage our resources, we will do it with a lot of perseverance.

This Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus
brings to the fore the need for stability, finances, resources, personal income, financial combinations, acquisitions, real estate.

The way we approach these issues is with a lot of discernment, firmness and perseverance.
We have patience, the desire to achieve realization and the power to concretize projects such as:

  • purchase of a new property, land
  • any activity that works with the resources or riches of the earth
  • investing in a new work or in a new financial project
  • opening a savings account.

Taurus is a sign governed by Venus

This amplifies our desire to enjoy life and what it can offer us.
We enjoy comfort, refined intellectual entertainment, music, art, dance but also culinary art, an extremely cherished art of Taurus.
The attraction to the opposite sex is felt in full, the sexual appetite is increased and our need for love is great. Caressing and body massage are welcome and can relax even the most tense people.
We take care of our body with a lot of attention.
Walking barefoot on the ground helps us to rebuild our connection with mother earth, to feel her support and protection.
We love nature, simplicity and flowering trees, we let ourselves be carried away by an intense and special fragrance.
We are conquered by a dance full of passion and fervor or a culinary delight, music delights our soul and our whole being.
All senses are amplified to the maximum by this astral energy that invites us to fully enjoy life.
Spiritually, we find that the greatness of God is revealed in the simple things.

What energy actions are favored?

  • energetic exercises that help us connect to the earth element,
  • working with Ganesha to increase our abundance and power of achievement,
  • to practice Ucchara because the supreme sound is the sound by which God created the whole manifestation, and this sound is now intensified in our being due to the energy of Taurus
  • Let’s use mantras
  • meditations with the state of presence because we amplify the joy of living
  • we can try to “meditate just like the mountain”, in order to become witnesses of eternity. (“Notes on Hesychasm” – Jean Yves Leloup)

The Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus is hosted by house V,

that is, the sector of our lives on which the influence of the eclipse will be reflected, especially.
This sector is represented by love and love relationships, creativity, children, hobbies and pleasure and entertainment activities, speculations, participation in social events.
Any activity of artistic expression is favored.
It is a period of growth of creative potential, but also sentimental, romantic relationships.
The relationship with one’s own children can know a positive and amplified manifestation.

Who supports this Solar Eclipse in Taurus?

  • Mars in Pisces in the third house,
    the planet of action and dynamism located in a house of thought and movement
    Our thinking is quite fast and fluid, we are inspired and intuitively guided to act in the right direction. ACTION makes the difference!

  • Uranus in Taurus in house V,
    the change, the restlessness, the unforeseen are with us for the next 6 months. We are asked to reset the old way of managing our resources and values.
    We open ourselves to new, bolder variants and approaches in terms of our talents and skills
    We use what we already have, resources, money, food in more inventive but also more efficient ways.
    Uranus will teach us the lesson of liberation, how not to attach ourselves to what we possess because it will prove to us that we can live in a different way.
  • Venus (the Little Benefic, the governor of this Eclipse in Taurus) and Jupiter (the Great Benefic, the governor of the Ascendant in Sagittarius) in the house of thought
    We are in an exact conjunction on the 28th degree Pisces, preaching about the connection with the spiritual side of life.
    When our thought is pure and our word high, inspires and motivates then we are ready to receive the “luck” and the chances that come to us now.
    Chances can come through a teaching, through a book, through a conversation with the close entourage, a sister, a neighbor, following a road, but also through “divine inspiration”.

The message of this Solar Eclipse in Taurus

  • to give a new meaning to the concept of “value”
  • to find new and more efficient ways to work, to eat, to use the resources of the earth
  • to manage with caution the daily resources, changing the consumerist perspective with one more adapted to the current reality
  • to dare to value our talents as originally as possible and to love in a free way without creating attachments.

From a spiritual perspective, we are reminded that in vain we seek peace, stability and security on the outside if it is not first on the inside.
Let us seek to multiply peace, joy and love in our soul because they are the source of Eternity.

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