Prayer of the Heart – a particular case of Ananta.
In our opinion, this method is, in fact, a particular case of the spiritual method in Bhakti yoga, called Ananta.
It is characterized bythe fact that:
- se adresează Marelui Avatar și Salvator spiritual Iisus Hristos
- nu se abordează Grația supremă, ci Grația simplă.
The most special practice in Christianity, called, incidentally, the diamond of Christianity is the Prayer of the Heart or the Hesychast Meditation.

The text of the utterance in the Christian meditation of the heart:
“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on me…”
“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me…”
From the practical perspective Abheda Yoga the repetition of the name “Jesus” is spiritually effective.
Attention! There are variants of the prayer of the heart that end with “have mercy on me the sinner…”.
It is, in our opinion, a partially wrong practice, which can also have negative effects, due to the impregnation of the subconscious, through repetition, with the idea that we are sinners always and necessarily.
This error slipped for various reasons into the practice of some hesychasts reduces the value of this exceptional practice.
There have been voices that have motivated the obstinacy to maintain this wrong practice in the idea that we must be humble and devoid of pride.
But we assure you that for this it is not necessary to make permanent in ourselves the idea that we are sinners but
to become free from sin as quickly and as safely as possible.
However, until the supreme spiritual realization we are still “sinners.”
But this state is necessary, in fact, to be less and less present , and not more and more present.
If you necessarily hold, the practice has efficiency with this utterance but less.
For people who want to practice, however, a longer version of the Prayer of the Heart, we mention here the version
“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me ,your believer…”
A better and much more effective utterance is
“Lord Jesus Christ, give me Your Supreme Grace!”
This formula is superior to any of the above formulas.
The effect is special , because the devotional’s aspiration is towards the Supreme Grace and not just the simple Grace.
This takeover of efficiency from the Infinite within us is the highest, the purest.
Although they are just some words, all this practice leads to the miracle of the mental void, the state of deep inner peace called in ancient times by yogis “Shuniata” and christians “Isihia”.

Leo Radutz