Meditation of Mental Stability – Sthiti Dhyana

Meditația stabilității mentale - Sthiti Dhyana

Meditation of Mental Stability – Sthiti Dhyana

Sthiti means firmness, and Dhyana means meditation.

“DHYANA(M) = meditation, silence, allowing the yogi
to attain the state of SAMADHI. Meditation is an uninterrupted flow
of thinking towards the object of the concentration of the mind (DHARANA).

Without DHYANA it is absolutely impossible for the yogi to achieve the states
higher consciousness.”

Sthiti Dhyana is a meditation with a very simple explanation.

Its purpose is the state of peace, of mental vacuum that is characterized by
– mental inspiration
– depth in psychic processes
– amplification of the emotional and mental intelligence quotient
– better attention and inner stability

Cum se practică?

Meditația stabilității mentale – Sthiti Dhyana se practică astfel:

In a meditation posture or on the chair , with the torso relatively straight.
The hands are positioned on the thighs or knees, having the palms face down.
We begin focusing, Dharana , with our eyes closed with attention in the middle of the chest, inside the body.
We relax the whole body perfectly, without moving at all.

It is strictly forbidden to move, even a little, to get results.

Throughout the Sthiti Dhyana meditation, with our eyes closed we will aim to perfect the concentration with attention in the middle of the chest and to complete the perfect relaxation and stillness of the body.

We will notice, after a while, the appearance of an inner state of living peace, deep calm and mental firmness.


Leo Radutz

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