Spiritual Practice for Kali – Testimonies

Spiritual Practice for Kali – Testimonies

1. Testimony of spiritual practice3rd year student Abheda

What did I do spiritual practice for and how long?

For various wishes – I practiced 30 minutes/day with Kali’s yantra

Following spiritual practice with Kali’s Yantra,

I felt that the time had come to break the silence and make a confession myself.


I came to this community three years ago, following a dream I had.
And because here was a dear friend who advised me to talk to the master about a problem I had with kundalini.
This fantastic energy suddenly awakened to me, effortlessly, six years ago, at which point my life changed radically.
I didn’t know what yoga meant and what it helps with, but on the master’s advice, I said it was worth a try.
In the first year I practiced yoga online, because the pandemic had begun and I was working from home outside Bucharest. But the true effects you can only get by being in touch with the fields of the other colleagues and the master.

During these years I practiced yoga in the middle of my life, having a job and other family duties, and longing for more freedom for myself. I admit, regretfully, that I have not made many tapas.
But I tried to be present at least at the basic courses, and at the weekend one, online.
At the Relay Meditation I was twice physically and in two camps.
However, I can say that my evolution has had ups and downs and I am confident that I am on the right track.

Kundalini helps me on an energetic and emotional level and I hope that in the future my level of consciousness will also increase.

I also had several experiences in the two camps where I was also at the acceleration procedures guided by the master.
The beatific feelings I have experienced are hard to describe in words.
There were times when I thought my body cells were going to explode for pleasure.
I felt like I was receiving energy from all directions and floating in a different space or dimension.

I feel that this energy that animates me, which is often rushing and uncontrollable, is of divine origin and …

I have to feed her with love, humility, and dedication, even though sometimes I can’t overcome the less pleasant feelings that kundalini amplifies.
I trust that through effort and determination I will be able to overcome all obstacles, to become authentic and to be an example for those around me. I am grateful to be with all of you.


The wishes have been fulfilled!

2. Testimony Janine, 4th year student Abheda

What did I do spiritual practice for and how long?

I did meditation with Kali’s secret mantra for spiritual evolution, authenticity and the expression of truth.
Duration: 7 days x 20-30 minutes

Effects during and after the realization of spiritual practice
  • more energy, and when I did the tapas in the evening, I could not sleep until the morning
  • better time management
  • harsher reactions of those around me when I told the truth that bothered.



Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution

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