A book that reveals some of the mysteries of a traditional millennial practice that in its journey to the West has undergone some changes.
To practice the Sun Salutation is to live everything with intensity in the heart.
Sun Salutation – Surya Namaskar is
an ensemble of yoga postures
along with a way to breathe and feel prana
and – most importantly – an inner secret practice
what is a meditation in action specific to this exercise.
It’s a spirit diamond that even an advanced yogi perfects all his life, and he’s happy to do that.
This precious meditation in action is more important than physical execution and rhythmicity of breathing.
We can be wrong about movements – for a start (but tending towards perfection) by watching rather the meditation, the inner state and less the external appearance.
In this way we will have the highest yield and we will advance best to practice at the maximum of our capabilities.
To achieve this meditation in action that is an essence of spirituality in the middle of life we do not depend on excellent health or youth but its practice offers us health and youth.
Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution