The film about the last 12 hours of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, THE PASSION OF CHRIST respects exactly the biblical truth. The film begins in the Garden of Gethsemane, where, he withdrew to pray, after the Last Supper, Jesus resists the temptations of Satan. Betrayed by Judas Iscariot, Christ is arrested and taken to the city of Jerusalem, where the Pharisee priests accuse Him of blasphemy, charges that will bring His death sentence.
Jesus is taken before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Palestine, who hears the accusations made known to Him by the Pharisees. Aware that he is facing a political conflict, Pilate leaves the solution of the problem to King Herod. He brings Jesus back before Pilate, who determines the multitude to decide between Jesus and the murderer Barabas. The masses will choose to release Barabas and condemn Jesus.
Christ is surrendered to Roman soldiers and scourged. Unrecognizable, he is brought back before Pilate, who shows him to the multitude, saying as if, ‘Isn’t that enough?’ It’s not enough… Pilate washes his hands and orders the soldiers to do what the multitude demands.
Jesus is brought the cross and ordered to carry it through Jerusalem to Calvary, where he is crucified. Here he faces the last temptation —the fear that he has been forsaken by His Father. But he overcomes her when he looks at Mary, the Holy Virgin, and says something that only She can fully understand: ‘Committed.’
At the time of His death, nature itself rebels.