<>The Universal Divine Law of Action and Reaction
If you act a certain way in the universe, at the right time and perfectly you will receive back an identical reaction from the universe.
Exceptions – yes, there can be exceptions – by divine will. I mean, “Ask and it will be given to you”…
And now let’s see what connection there is between this extraordinary law and reincarnation…
Information regarding reincarnation existed (and still exists) in the Bible and some apocryphal texts. The early church accepted the thesis of reincarnation, which was also supported by Jesus. In 553, however, at the Fifth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople, the thesis of reincarnation was anathematized as a dogmatic error. Emperor Justinian (his leit-motif: “Damned be he who, henceforth, will believe in the pre-existence of the soul!”) imposed his own creed on the clergy, put Pope Vigilius under arrest (so as not to shape the Council!) and forced the bishops to accept the new dogma. Justinian considered that the thesis of reincarnation gave humanity too long a period of time to reach a higher stage of development of consciousness.
After the year 553, believers were told by the church that they had only one life to return to the stage before the original sin was committed.
Justinian’s new thesis, massively propagated among parishioners everywhere during the following centuries, continued to this day, led to even greater errors of behavior of the people, most of them trying to live the so-called one life to the fullest.
The theory of reincarnation, which is supported both by statements from traditional texts (even from the gospels before and after censorship) and by a series of modern research based on the testimonies of people who suffered clinical death and then returned, of people who knew languages they had never learned in their present life and who recognized the house, relatives, objects they used in their previous lives or who showed abilities that they could not manifest because, at first glance, they had never practiced them.
However, why is this anger of contestation by various Christian denominations of information about reincarnation from traditional texts and, more generally, of the theory of reincarnation?
Well, this is an enigma, but gradually, things can be understood or assumed. In our opinion (which coincides with the vision of great achievers, regardless of religion), reincarnation and spiritual evolution exist, regardless of some people’s perspective on it.
We suppose that this knowledge of information about reincarnation disturbed the various Christian cults because they tended to diminish their influence, as organizations, on the masses and, above all, drew attention to an essential and universal purpose of life: the spiritual evolution of each one which is incessant and obligatory and which takes place permanently, through successive births and “deaths”, until the final point, which is the Knowledge of God through the full communion of the Creature with the Creator. That is, “Everything is paid” and, therefore, there is always a divine order that perfectly follows every element of life, for a perfect balance of the Law of Action and Reaction.
I mean, what you do is what you get, “if you sow wind, you reap the storm” and “as you lay down, that’s how you sleep.”
Many people have become atheists, noticing that there are many bad people who are still doing very well and many good people who are suffering greatly. This apparent injustice the church has attributed to the Last Judgment, where the wicked “shall see what shall happen” and the good suffer for the redemption of original sins that extend to the seventh generation (!), thus paying terribly for what they do not know and have not done. This explanation was introduced to hide a simple and disturbing truth: God is just, and he would never do such an injustice. As we already know, not a hair moves without its will.
The reason why some bad people can do well is that the time has not yet come to directly receive the reaction of their known evil deeds. Perhaps this will happen in this life or in another future life.
The reason why good people suffer is that there are many facts in their past (if we understand that they have lived many other lives before) and they are now going to reap the fruits of their past actions.
The exceptional consequence: death is not, in fact, extinction, but a passage to the next stage of evolution, which may be more pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the deeds, intentions and thoughts of the individual. It doesn’t “work” to ignore the consequences of your actions, because you will live from bad to worse and that for eons. Or, in a more modern sense, the individual who does not understand how to “take that good path” will wander through more and more embarrassing situations and will live genuine lives of “prisoner” of the Universe, until he understands to be correct, kind, loving and spiritual.
Reincarnation is not a simple fact of faith, but something certain, accessible to the occult capacities of the initiate. There are, and have been, accomplished Christians who secretly testified to the reality of reincarnation.
Every being is an integral part of God.
Reincarnation and the law of action and reaction is in perfect harmony with astrology.
It is possible that Jesus gave his disciples teachings about reincarnation, and commanded them not to tell anyone about it, hence an occultation, a concealment of the existence of reincarnation for 2,000 years.
The Church gradually excluded almost all texts, documents and 31 apocryphal gospels, which did not conform to the new dogmatic line drawn.
Despite all the censorship imposed on the original texts, some references of Jesus to reincarnation have been preserved in places (the Gospel of John [3,1-8], as well as Jesus’ statements about the reincarnation of the prophet Elijah in the body of John the Baptist in the Gospel of Matthew [11,14 si 17,10-13], or what Jesus said to the Pharisees, in relation to the fact that he would have lived once again on earth, even before the patriarch Abraham [Gospel of John, 8:56-58]). Other biblical passages that hint at reincarnation: “Jeremiah” (1:5), “Book of Wisdom” (2:5 and 8:20), “Book of Kohelet” (12:6), “Gospel of Matthew” (26:52), “Gospel of John” (9:1-3), “Epistle of Paul to the Philippians” (2:6-7), “General Epistle of James” (3:6). Also, in non-canonical (apocryphal) documents: “Gospel according to Pistis Sophia”, “Gospel of Thomas” etc.
At its core are some communities practicing the religion inspired by Orpheus (Orphism), which appeared in Greece since the 6th century BC. It is a belief system that associates the immortality of the soul with cycles of reincarnations. After the cycle of births and the wheel of destiny, bodily existence is considered as a punishment. Exiled in the body, the soul must escape the sad destiny of reincarnations and can only do so through asceticism (i.e. abstinence from eating meat). Many philosophers have been marked by these beliefs, but whatever form their doctrine takes, the goal remains that of liberation of the soul. The incarnation of the soul appears as a punishment that the soul has attracted through its own mistakes; Therefore, reincarnation functions both as a fatality from which you must free yourself and as a chance for liberation. In any case, for this liberation to occur, a religious initiation or philosophical awareness is necessary.
The idea of reincarnation expresses itself most strongly in Hinduism, although here too it has undergone a series of reinterpretations. The earliest texts (Rigveda) make no mention of this idea. It was only in the Upanishads that the old theory of payment merged with the idea of reincarnation. As a result, one can observe some mutual influences between the original religion, the revolution brought about by the Upanishads, the Baghadavad Gita and popular piety. In the Upanishads, the salutary identification of the Self (atman) with the Absolute (Brahman) can only take place if the Self breaks it with the hellish cycle of existence (samsara), that is, with the string of successive reincarnations. Salvation means stopping the return to earth and not multiplying the number of reincarnations, as Western adherents of a warped Hinduism claim. This is not about a new birth; Man is born only once, but he does not really die: from reincarnation to reincarnation, he only changes his body until he reaches true freedom in Nirvana. The principle that directs the journey from one body to another is desire or the law of karma. The goal of Hindu spirituality is to free oneself from this karmic bond in order to unite with the Brahman. The Bakhti (current of devotion) insists on divine grace as the only way of salvation. Man is not the agent of his own liberation from the cycle of reincarnations. Hinduism culminates in a mysticism of liberation, but not in explaining evil and death through reincarnation. There is a big difference here from Western esotericism which is considered to derive from Hinduism. For Albert Schweitzer, this mysticism is linked to a denial of the world, to a pessimistic conception of existence, very close to the Greek one regarding the prison body; This idea is contemporary with the predominance of the idea of reincarnation, it is also related to a pessimistic view of matter and history. The idea of reincarnation is totally centered on man and his deeds.
Buddhism, like Hinduism, believes in a close relationship between reincarnation and the law of karma. There are, however, numerous differences from Hinduism:
Looking at the conception of liberation, man can free himself from the world and from suffering. Therapy is based on criticism of illusions about desire and renunciation; It proposes an approach less mystical than psychological. The emphasis is not on merging with the Brahman, but on the detachment that leads to Nirvana, understood as a deprivation of all desire, as perfect calm.
Non-permanence of the soul; The continuity of the human subject is nothing but illusion and appearance. The immortality of the soul is not envisaged. The soul is a flow, a flow, an unceasing transformation. Only the flow of life seems to ensure the continuity of reincarnations.
Nirvana: In classical Buddhism it is defined in a negative manner. It is actually nothing, it is not a place, it expresses the state of liberation, of non-desire. But some sects see it as the place of bliss, of complete happiness attained at the end of the liberation process by the individual who has gone through a series of reincarnations.
Gnosticism: is a Judeo-Christian hypothesis made up of several Christian currents that emerged during the second century A.D. Among other things, this hypothesis attributes to Christ the theory that John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated.
Hebrew Kabbalah has existed since the time of the second century A.D., but its advancement took place between the 13th and 16th centuries. It is a Theosophy in Hebrew form. Kabbalists do not all agree on the idea of reincarnation. There are many successive adaptations that give the impression of finding yourself in front of a doctrinal compilation, in which reincarnation plays its role according to the problems that arise in the popular consciousness.
Modern philosophers: The idea of reincarnation has long attracted a number of modern philosophers. For Lessing (1729-1781), this is a hypothesis, for Arthur Schopenhauer (1786-1860), it is an important element of an extremely pessimistic philosophy (which could be presented as a philosophy of boredom).
Spiritualism: Reincarnation is found in the spiritualist current of Allan Kardec (1804-1869). Its influence was very great in the 19th century and important reminiscences are still preserved in Brazil and the Philippines.
Anthroposophy: Rudolf Steiner (1861-1929), founder of anthroposophy, went through the initiation of the Roscrucians. It is noticeable in him, as in all modern theories of reincarnation, a shift in accents and even a complete reversal of the meaning of reincarnation. For the Hindu, the goal was to be freed from the fatality of reincarnations. For Rudolf Steiner, reincarnation is no longer a terrible law of existence, from which he should be freed, but becomes a positive instrument, indispensable for the development of spirituality and freedom. Birth into a body is something wonderful in the biblical sense of man’s creation in God’s image. What alienates man is not his body, but his attitude towards life. The suffering related to destiny karma stems from a mismatch of the soul to the possibilities that the current life offers it. The soul must be freed from this inadequacy, but not from the body. This conception is related to evolution and Steiner’s idea of progress. For Rudolf Steiner, Christ is the central and decisive impulse of world history.
Leonard Radutz
AdAnima Academic Society for Transformation and Self-Knowledge