Trailanga Swami – about paranormal powers

Trailanga Swami was an Indian saint from Benares

recognized as an Avadhuta –

a person who has reached a stage of their spiritual development in which he is beyond worldly concerns.

“Those who forget their own nature, their godly essence, forget the power within themselves. Our real nature is most often misunderstood by others. They prefer to believe in a miracle of the supernatural than in the inner power of the powers we all possess.”

He stood out for his special paranormal powers.

Trailanga Swami, also known as Shivarama, was famous for his exceptional spiritual achievements and for the special paranormal powers that stood out as a result of his special spiritual level.

He lived a life of 300 years and used to eat very rarely, even though he was over 140 kg.
It also proved the ability to eat even poisons, without being affected in any way.

He could read people’s minds like an open book.

Because of his capabilities, he was sought after by many people who came to ask for his help with their various problems.


About his miracles remained notes attesting to these facts.
In “Autobiography of a Yogi”, Yogananda recounts the moments when Trailangaji would have been imprisoned in a prison and then, after a while, he was seen walking along a roof.
There have been several situations where he has been seen disappearing and appearing in another place.
Just as he was often seen sitting on the water or sinking into the depths, where he sat for hours in meditation.

It is believed to have been an incarnation of Shiva.

His life

He was born in the village of Andhra Pradesh around 1529 according to some sources, and according to other sources in 1607.
His parents, Narashingha Roa and Vidyavati Devi, were great worshippers of Shiva.

He was seen as a carefree child, who often walked naked on the banks of the Ganges.

After the death of his parents he followed an assiduous spiritual practice for 20 years.


In 1737 he settled in Varnasi and left his physical body in December 1887.

A lesson on the value of paranormal capabilities

Although he proved that he possessed special paranormal abilities, it was a time when he drew attention to the fact that they are not important, but on the contrary they can be traps in the way of spiritual evolution.


This happened on a day when Trailanga Swami was talking to a disciple in his Ashram in Benares.

In Ashram there was a life-size marble statue of Swami and next to it a statue of Kali.

At one point the statue of Kali came to life and entered the room where the two were talking. She stayed for a while, then came out and returned to her seat, becoming stone again.

The disciple was very impressed with this experience. However, Trailanga simply asked him:

“What do you have now?”

Through this he wanted to actually ask what this experience had brought him, wanting to emphasize that this event did not help him to be wiser, deeper or to cause significant changes in his life.

Therefore, what is important is to have a permanent relationship to Oneself, which gives us true values and spiritual virtues.

We can thus be constantly in contact with the sacred and manifest it in our lives in everything we do.
To be stable and detached, to feel what the integrated actions are.
To be able to show empathy and compassion and, ultimately, to feel free, happy, unlimited.

Paranormal capabilities often, unfortunately, seduce us with their mirage and can lead us away from true spiritual values.
It is possible that the seeds of pride will appear, even a significant amplification of the ego that leads to the spiritual fall.


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