Did you know that we can heal through Love Therapy?, now has an answer thanks to this wonderful article.
Love heals!
“In a world full of love, therapy would not be necessary at all”, said Osho, and this truth we find to the fullest in everyday cotton wool. We all need attention, touch, confirmation. Hugs are a healing tool, and their lack attracts emotional imbalance, as demonstrated by abandoned children.
Every day we have proof that love can work wonders, in terms of mental, emotional and physics. Iwould discoveries from the medical world us Confirm this: People That give and receive love Are More Happy and More Healthy.
- prolongs the life span,
- removes stress and fatigue,
- shortens the period of wound healing,
- removes depression,
- improves memory and the power of concentration,
- and the list could go on forever!
Moreover – cases of remission are known spontaneous (i.e. healing total) of leukemia with the help of leukemia “love therapy“. So sick people, that are surrounded with love and care, obviously respond much more effectively to the drug treatment they follow. It is not for nothing that leukemia is also called “the disease of sad souls”.
The natural conclusion is: do not be afraid to love and be loved! you will get the most natural and the most wonderful treatment possible!
As we are learn also in our yoga course, a Giving and receiving love is one of the most important aspects of our daily practices !
We all need courage in love!
“Only with your heart can you touch the sky!” rumi tells us, the famous Persian poet. Love is one of the ways in which a human being can access to perfection, to divinity, therefore much of his work is dedicated to this sublime feeling!
If not you are still convinced of the need integration of love in your life, we invite you to watch a video in which simple expression the verbal feeling of love can us raises with mood ease and it can charge us with its purest and most refined energies!
I hope with all my heart that we all have a positive answer to the question Did you know that we can heal through Love Therapy?