HEMP – the astounding divine gift of abundance and health

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HEMP – the astounding divine gift of abundance and health

In most of Eastern and Western Europe, in North America (even in the USA, where it is illegal to grow hemp), Russia, China, India, South America, the Middle East and many other countries, there is no ban on using hemp seed products. Unfortunately, there is still a misperception among the population about the food benefits obtained by eating products resulting from hemp seeds.

Hemp seed oil is obtained by pressing from the industrial varieties of the plant (cannabis sativa L), inert from a psychoactive point of view.
These seeds do not contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the active compound of the drug and have no psycho-active effects.
If practical applications are not enough to convince us of the benefits of the plant, then the nutritional value should do it.

Research on this value of hemp seeds has produced the most astounding discoveries of recent years and are ready to blow up the old patterns of thought of mankind.
Hemp seeds are inconspicuous as a nutritious food. They contain anti-oxidants, proteins, carotene, phytosterols and phospholipids, as well as a number of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. They are a complete source of protein (they have twice as many proteins as most meat products) and contain all 20 known amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids.

Seeds and oil also contain vitamins A (beta-carotene in fat-soluble form), B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D and E (natural antioxidant), all in an easily digestible form.
They also contain about 30-35% of their weight oil, which has a rich content of essential fatty acids. It is the most balanced oil in nature for human consumption, with a ration of 3:1 of linoleic acid (Omega 6), of alpha-linoleic acid (omega 3) and, practically, of could provide for life all the necessary essential fatty acids, including gamma-linoleic acid.
Essential fatty acids are necessary for good health and are responsible for the gloss of the skin, hair and eyes and even for the clarity of the thought process, being responsible for the transfer of oxygen to each cell in the body.
They also lubricate and clean the arteries, strengthen the arteries, strengthen immunity and helps prevent viral or other threats to the immune system.
It should be known that essential fatty acids are not produced by the human body , they must be obtained from food. And in this sense, the seeds or hemp seed oil is a more than happy option.
Seed oil is mainly used for food purposes and as a nutritional supplement and is easily digestible. Consumed daily, the content and proportion of linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid from a tablespoon of hemp oil (15 milliliters) easily provide the human daily requirement of essential fatty acids.

Hemp oil can be frozen for longer periods of time than other
, without the risk of breaking the container, because due to the large number of chains of unsaturated fatty acids, it does not solidify.
Unlike flaxseed oil, hemp oil can be used regularly, without the risk of developing a deficiency or imbalance of essential fatty acids.
Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil are known for their therapeutic effect in various diseases:

  • constipation, hemorrhoids
  • dry skin and hair
  • low rate of metabolism
  • general weakness and low energy
  • tuberculosis, HIV, immunity deficiencies
  • unstable level of hormones
  • diabetes, obesity
  • eczema, psoriasis, acne
  • menopause, premenstrual syndrome
  • cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis
  • high cholesterol
  • hypertension, poor circulation, cardiovascular diseases,
  • Crohn’s disease,
  • gallstones,
  • attention deficit syndrome,
  • renal degeneration.

Used in cosmetics and body care products, hemp oil is:

  • Antimicrobial
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-aging
  • balances the pH of the skin and the level of humidity
  • helps heal skin lesions and has antioxidant properties

Why have fats become so important nowadays?
The secret of essential fatty acids was discovered by the brilliant German biochemist Johhana Budwig (1908-2003).
In the ’50s she discovered with the help of chromatography paper how to differentiate various structures from fat.
She observed that in the blood of a person who is sick, lipids will appear having a different color under a microscope.
Subsequently he experienced saturation of the diet with an increased volume of fatty acids combined with sulfurous amino acids.
Thus, the blood condition will be eliminated and the symptoms of the disease will disappear in a miraculous way.
These were the first clinical studies about the effect of essential fatty acids on the human body.
In Europe and North America, the list of foods that were created using hemp seeds is rich: hemp flour, milk, butter, nut bread, pasta, burger, pancakes, cakes, cakes, ice cream, hummus, textured vegetable proteins, dough, bread, etc.
Hemp flour
It is used mixed with other wholemeal flours in a proportion of not more than 20 % for bread, biscuits and cakes.

Hemp Seeds

can be eaten raw, mixed into food, processed into milk, prepared as tea or used in salads and juices/smoothies.
Chinese cinemas even sell fried hemp seeds. Fresh leaves can also be eaten in salads.
It is preferable to keep hemp seeds in jars of dark color or in the dark.
The husked hemp seeds in addition to being able to consume as such, empty, can also be combined in various recipes.
It is recommended to be added to fruit and vegetable salads, musli or for the preparation of hemp milk.
Hemp oil has a pleasant smell and taste, similar to that of walnuts.
It can be used to spice up salads, pasta, rice, fish or can be combined with other traditionally used oils.
There are in natural stores products from hemp, both seeds and oil.
Hemp oil is recommended

for frying, since unsaturated fats can be a problem at high temperatures.


, cold-pressed hemp oil

is better than olive oil.
Therefore, we can use hemp oil for salads, smoothies and other uses without frying.
Cooking any oil reduces its nutritional value and can convert beneficial fatty acids into less benatural substances


  • hemp would be cultivated in all third world countries
  • food obtained from hemp seeds would be provided to poor countries

surely this would help to eliminate hunger better than any other food.
But because of the so-called “war on drugs” that is being waged globally, this option seems hardly achievable…
From hemp fibers can be deal with very good insulating materials that remove the disadvantages of known heat insulators and are environmentally friendly.
The clothes in the henhouse are, really, very pleasant.
They balance the distribution of ethereal energies and static electricity and prevent sweating almost miraculously.

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