How do we evaluate efficiency in meditation?

Transformă-ți viața prin Yoga Tradițională! Începem un nou curs la Abheda Yoga cu Leo Radutz. Rezervă-ți locul la ședința GRATUITĂ din 9 martie acum și fă primul pas către o variantă mai bună a ta!

How do we evaluate efficiency in meditation?

I mean, is it working or not ?

It is possible to sit for an hour with your eyes closed wondering:
is it any point in what I’m doing here, or is it an awkward autopsy because I’m not progressing?

If we could imagine what the final result should look like, we would be interested in how we feel the partial results of meditation.
I mean, to realize that… it’s going for the better.

These indicators are different and it is not necessarily necessary to appear at the same time. They are valid for authentic meditation. For lower meditations, with states of trance or imaginative simplistic- creative, these assessment points are not valid.

These descriptions refer to intermediate stages of the effectiveness of meditation, since in the end the state is described as

  • Wonderful
  • impossible to describe in words and
  • being of the nature of SAT-CHIT-ANANDA -» pure existence – pure consciousness nondual happiness,
    but without various nuances of duality that can still be maintained in the intermediate aspects.

If meditation “works for us”:

1. We feel that we would not really want to open our eyes,because in a mysterious way, meditation with our eyes closed has something pleasant in it.

2. We feel that we would not really want to think about anything, although we could do it if we wanted to. But we don’t do it because it looks like it would hurt our current state that we like and don’t want to change.

3. We feel that we do not want to move, even if we have some tension or itching.

4. We feel that we do not mind the sounds of any kind, and even seem to have a beneficial effect, highlighting more clearly the depth traveled.

5. We tend to breathe less often and more superficially,with ever greater pauses between exhaling and breathing inspir.

6. We no longer feel our body.

How do we evaluate efficiency in meditation?

7. We feel a deeper inner peace or even less profound but, nevertheless – peace from the usual level.

8. We come up with (at least apparently) good ideas, we remember important aspects about various things, we come up with solutions maybe even fascinating to seemingly unsolvable problems, due to the proximity to the Truth.

9. We feel free from emotions and even from aspects considered important, usually, by ourselves.

10. Time flows very quickly, we have the impression that 10 minutes have passed, for example, and 60 have passed.

11. Other times time flows very slowly to our advantage, that is, we have many mental events that follow quickly, a superbly happened in 5 minutes.

12. We feel a state of stability, an increasingly obvious inner support.

13. We feel a continuity of consciousness among the different thoughts, as if, although we think, something in our state remains unchanged, unaffected by the thoughts that, nevertheless, follow each other.

14. We feel that anything that happens outside of us cannot influence in the least what is inside of us.

15. Referring to aspects that before meditation seemed to us “big” problems, now we see them “small” in a light closer to reality, feeling a changed, wise perspective.

16. A wonderful mental clarity like “crystal”.

17. Lucidity continues and deepens.

18. We feel time running out, second by second.

19. We spontaneously give up inferior feelings:envy, pride, anger, jealousy, attachment and a state of spontaneous humility appears.

20. We are no longer attracted to mental diversity, whatsapp or other social networks.

21. Music produces a profound impact in us, we feel that vast worlds or spaces of the nature of musical aesthetic emotion appear.


Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution



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