Is it possible to cure cancer with essential oils?

According to the latest studies looking for a natural cure for cancer, essential oils can be extremely useful. The human body resonates at a frequency between 62-78 MHz, and scientists believe that diseases begin when its frequency drops below 58 MHz. Many studies have shown that negative thoughts can reduce the frequency of our bodies by 12 MHz, while positive thinking elevates it by 10MHz. This means that there are many things that can affect our health in ways that we can’t even imagine.

Following these studies, essential oils can fight cancer due to their antibacterial properties and their ability to change the frequency at which we resonate. One of the scientists involved in the study, Bruce Tainio, developed a special monitoring device that measures the frequency of essential oils and how they affect us. M. Suhail, an immunologist who participated in the study, says that when the DNA in the nucleus of our cells is corrupt, cancer development occurs. Essential oils have the ability to correct this and can repair DNA, significantly improving our chances against the terrible disease.

Therapeutic essential oils

When considering the use of essential oils for any reason, you should make sure that they are of therapeutic quality. Most oils available on the market are of low quality and are mixed with additives such as alcohol. They don’t work the same way as pure oils, so make sure you’ve turned to a reliable source.

In his book “The Electric Body “, R. O. Becker shows that the electrical frequency of our body determines our health status. Even Nikola Tesla said that removing harmful external frequencies can make us more resistant against disease, while Dr. Otto Warburg discovered more than a century ago that our cells have a specific electrical voltage that can decrease due to various factors and trigger diseases such as cancer.


Recent scientific research has found that high-frequency essential oils can destroy diseases that have lower frequencies. Here’s a list of some of the oils used in research and their electrical frequencies:

Juniper Essential Oil – 98 Mhz

Angelica Essential Oil – 85 Mhz

Incense Essential Oil – 147 MHz

Rose Essential Oil – 320 Mhz.

Santal essential oil- 96 Mhz

Helichrysum essential oil – 181 MHz

Mint Essential Oil – 78 Mhz

Lavender Essential Oil – 118 Mhz




Essential oils and their own propertiesndecătoare

According to the latest studies, cinnamon, thyme, jasmine and chamomile oils had the best results when used against breast cancer cells. Chamomile destroyed 93% of the cells in vitro,while the thyme destroyed 97% of the cells. Research on these oils has seen that chamomile oil has very strong antioxidant properties, which is the main reason for its effectiveness against breast cancer cells. Eleven essential oils were examined in total, including bitter and sweet fennel, mint, sage, lavender, chamomile and thyme.

Incense oil

According to Suhail, incense oil can penetrate the nucleus of cancer cells in the cytoplasm by preventing them from reproducing. The oil works due to the presence of so-called monoterpenes that have the ability to kill cancer cells. Incense oil works at all stages of cancer and is cytotoxic, which means it does not affect healthy cells.

Below are some cases where essential oils have been used on patients with different types of cancer:

Final stage of a patient with liver cancer

In the study, a patient with end-stage liver cancer who according to doctors had only a few months to live, having an inoperable tumor due to its large size, and having nothing to lose, decided to try the incense oil. He took it internally, sublingually and externally by massage in the liver area. On the next visit to the doctor, the tumor has already reduced its size. The patient continued to use incense oil, and eventually reduced and could be operable. The tumour was later removed and the man is now happily enjoying his life without cancer.

A child with brain cancer

One of the most difficult cases of all the patients in the study was a 5-year-old girl with brain cancer. After exhausting all the other options, the parents decided to give the girl a mixture of incense oil and sandalwood oil. They rubbed the soles of his feet with this mixture, and applied a few drops of lavender oil to his wrists. After a few months, the cancer was completely defeated!

Patient with bladder cancer

Jackie Hogan, a woman suffering from bladder cancer, was due to have surgery to remove it. However, she decided to try to use essential oils before resorting to the operation and after a few months of applying a mixture of sandalwood oil and incense oil, locally, on the surface of the skin, she is today cured of cancer.

Stage 4 lung cancer patient

A woman in the research group was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, which had already spread to other organs in her body. Instead of agreeing to chemoterpia and surgery, the woman began to apply tamai oil to the affected areas of the body every 2-3 hours after this treatment became completely healthy in just 7 months.

Breast cancer patient

A woman diagnosed with advanced breast cancer used a mixture of incense oil and lemongrass oil (applied locally and administered sublingually) to defeat the disease in just a few months.

Cervical cancer patient

A woman who suffered from cervical cancer and who had only a few months to live according to medical prognes, using incense oil managed to beat the disease in 6 months.

These studies show that there are many patients who have managed to overcome different types of cancer using the amazing powers of essential oils. All these oils have the remarkable property of raising the electrical frequency of the body, thus managing to cure many diseases including cancer.


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