The heart possesses an intelligence of its own

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The heart possesses an intelligence of its own

We are always in the middle of life, we are always subject to the faster pace of changes around us.
We are facing more and more difficulties and challenges, but at the same time we also have solutions to match.

The most handy tool is our very heart. But what is the heart and what are its qualities?

The heart is the core of the authentic Self, the center of discernment and intuitive clarity.

It allows us to connect deeply with our own Self and with other people.

It is the place where emotions such as love, appreciation, compassion, joy, etc. are born. and the source of the ability to overcome obstacles.

It is the place from which we can do things that we ordinarily cannot achieve and the space where all our questions are answered.

Recent scientific studies conducted at the HeartMath Research Institute in California have shown that the heart is more than just a muscle pumping blood around the body.
It has its own intelligence and has the ability to transmit information to the brain.
It has been discovered that the heart sends more impulses to the nervous system than it receives.
In addition, it emits an electromagnetic field that influences our mental, emotional and even physiological state.
This subtle energy field also radiates around us, sometimes even a few meters outside of us.

Research was done with the help of cardiograph and electroencephalography that revealed an interesting aspect.
When the study participant focused on feelings of appreciation, love, contentment, or gratitude, heart pulses and brain waves recorded consistent activity.
This activity is associated by researchers with the state of physiological harmony during meditation.
This condition is correlated with beneficial effects on mental, emotional and physical health.

Through this research, it has been observed that long-term practice of positive emotions (such as patience, compassion, gratitude, generosity, love, etc.) strengthens the immune system.
Therefore, the body becomes stronger and even immune to diseases and viruses.

Another amazing discovery is that the heart has its own neural system (about 40,000 neurons) endowed with memory.

Until now, learning and memory processes were thought to be functions of the central nervous system. However, recent scientific observations illustrate that intelligence is not limited by brain functions.

For example, in a 2002 study, researchers from the Universities of Arizona and Hawaii published an article on personality and taste changes in people who had undergone a heart transplant.
Those interviewed (recipients) reported that after the transplant their preferences in music, food, clothing, hobbies and so on changed.
Moreover, some of them had new memories that did not belong to them, images and sensations that they had not experienced before the surgery.

An interesting case of this kind was that of a 36-year-old man who, after performing a heart transplant, became a lover of classical music, although before it resonated with rock rhythms.
Another recipient – a 47-year-old man – took up gymnastics after his heart was replaced by that of a 14-year-old girl.
There are many stories like this, which continue to surprise the recipients, their families and the doctors involved.

However, the scientific observations that are made on this fascinating organ should leave no room for doubt.
The heart has its own intelligence and memories, an intuitive knowledge that involves perception and understanding on a much deeper level than previously thought.

These higher faculties of the heart inevitably raise the question: Is the heart the center of ingenuity, while the brain is the center of cognition?

Howard Gardner (American psychologist and doctor of neuroscience at Harvard University) defined intelligence as “the ability to solve problems or produce goods of value in a precise cultural or collective context.”

Gardner says there is not one intelligence, but several, listing seven of them, with the caveat that the list is still provisional.

To the verbal and logical-mathematical intelligence recognized by IQ level, he adds:

  • spatial intelligence (ability to quickly orient in space and see in three dimensions),
  • musical (hearing and rhythm practice),
  • kinesthetics (body intelligence),
  • interpersonal (ability to understand others and work with them), and
  • intrapersonal (acuity to form an accurate and faithful representation of oneself and to use it effectively in life).

HeartBefore scientific research discovered the complexity of heart functions, there were people, already aware of this intelligent form of the heart, who talked about it in one way or another.

Osho was one of them, he said:

“True intelligence is that of the heart. She’s not intellectual, she’s emotional. It’s not like thinking, it’s like feeling. It is not logic, it is love.”

Another fascinating discovery by scientists at the HeartMath Research Institute was that:
When a precise intention is emitted, accompanied by intense emotion, significant changes occur in human DNA.

“The results of the experiments provide concrete evidence to support the theory that the structure of DNA can be altered by intention.
The data obtained reveal that when an individual is centered in the heart, in a state of peace and love, the coherence of the heart increases and also increases the ability to influence the structuring of DNA according to the intention emitted.
excerpt from an article published by the Heart Math Institute.

How can this form of intuitive intelligence be energized to its full potential?

It can be accessed and developed especially when the mind and emotional are aligned.
To reach this state of coherence it is necessary:

  • a practice, by focusing attention on sensations and emotions that arise in different contexts,
  • and especially by practicing meditation and quieting the mind.

Practicing feelings of love, compassion, gratitude, joy, or generosity creates what’s called
a “state of coherence.”

That is, regular functioning of the heart and brain. This fact is reflected in the coherence of heart rhythm and brain waves and can be observed with the help of cardiograph and electroencephalography.

“By creating a bridge of communication between mind and heart, you give tremendous strength to your goals and intentions.
By synchronizing heart energy with brain function and learning to access coherence on command, you can do impossible things you otherwise wouldn’t be able to accomplish.
The brain can identify what things need to be changed, but it is the energy field emitted by the heart that brings these changes into manifestation.”

— Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Research Institute

Leo Radutz (yogacharya),

founder of the Abheda system,

the initiator of the Good OM Revolution


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