It is not fanaticism or any form of proselytism as some tend to believe, but just an authentic ancient tradition, verified over time and which has yielded results. For a Western mind it is quite difficult to accept such a thing. But if I met an authentic master, freed from the conditioning of this ephemeral world and who knows the mysteries of the universe in which we live, the situation changes.
- The fact that ordinary people think they are conscious, but their psyche is dominated by mechanisms.
We cannot succeed alone because mental mechanisms cannot be used to transcend their own nature. - The spiritual knowledge and experience that an authentic spiritual Master has is extremely precious and can save us decades and maybe even lives of slow and often painful evolution.
In addition, this experience could be irreplaceable. - We are protected, in a certain way, and the risks of life and the spiritual path are much lower for us.
- The direct transmission of a certain type of achievement from the Spiritual Master to the disciple is a mystery, a mystery of this relationship.
How to find the master or his own spiritual guide
It is a grace and a great chance to find him and to be able to recognize him.
“When the disciple is ready, the master appears.
When the student is not (anymore) ready, the master disappears.”
What we have to do is just to want with all our soul to meet him, and more than that, to begin a severe inner discipline that creates the premises for the appearance of the master in our current life.
It is, in fact, an intense spiritual search, an effervescent desire to overcome ourselves and to know our true Self.
On this path may appear many people who we might think can be our masters.
But the master is one.
But beware, we can often be wrong. There are many pranksters who are ready to offer you “support” in exchange for certain advantages.
To understand more about this fundamental theme
– About the need for a spiritual master
– 15 on how to recognize an authentic spiritual master