Animals with a human face
I met wonderful, intelligent animals, even with deep, paranormal feelings, which
From this point of view, of the paranormal, they even surpassed most human beings.
However, the animal nature, even of very special animals, has some common elements that make man superior.
In general, people consider that, from the title, from the definition, man is superior to animals; But the fact that he, directing his attention to the ego, can have very embarrassing options, often makes him, paradoxically at first glance, inferior.For example, certain sexual “specialties”, such as masochism, or sadism, or the fact that a man can mate with an inflatable doll or have perverse pleasures, tormenting other fellow men, or animals, or can eat more than he needs, can collect more than he needs.
The animals have beautiful amazing mating rituals, real spectacles;
Many of the species do not mate and do not have any kind of sexual endeavor outside the mating period, so they absolutely refuse.
Of course, they are natural, natural, they follow their impulses, but that also makes them have some problems.
For example, the vast majority of animals submit to instincts (the instinct of self-preservation, the instinct of reproduction); while man, if he has a higher cause, if he understands beyond the apparent reward or resolution of the moment, there would be something much worse to be avoided, then he will ignore the instinct of self-preservation or reproduction and choose what, wisely and using foresight, is more important to him; But not all of them.
A lot of people have an approach like animals, that is, the immediate reward matters,
Even though they know very well that the result of immediate or quickly coming satisfaction or reward,
It’s a suffering, a loss, an inconvenience that comes later,
but which is serious, significant, or even horrifying.
I remember when my grandfather told me to go to the garden and take the horse from there,
who was grazing quietly, freely, in the fenced space and to bring him to harness him to the cart.
Our horse was a strong and intelligent horse. When I went to him to catch him, he knew very well that I had come to him to put him to work, so he didn’t want to let me catch him under any circumstances; he wasn’t sitting, he was running to one side, he even tried to be violent, he tried to hit me with his hooves…
So, a rather harsh reaction and in a way, taking into account the discipline of domestic animals that was imposed, inadmissible, that is, he sought to hit his master, no matter how hard).
I went back to my grandfather and told him that I couldn’t catch him, because he wasn’t staying, that he was really dangerous.
My grandfather told me then: ” Ah, well, don’t do that, go and show him that you are giving him something good: give him some bread, a cake, some fruit, and when he comes to you, you put the bridle on him and you have caught the horse!” And so I did.
The same animal, which had committed “a crime of lèse-majesté” by striking its master, came quietly to the reward,
although he knew that by doing so, he would be caught and harnessed to the cart.
So, this animal was among the most intelligent; However, due to his animalistic nature, he did not resist and accepted the immediate reward, even though he knew very well that following that immediate reward, he would follow what he did not want and what had been the reason for which he had seriously fought before.
It was said in antiquity that, in order to have peace in the city and to have predictable results in working with the people,
You must offer the people “bread and circuses“, that is, something that addresses primary pleasures.
There are, however, human natures that we call “superior”, but in fact, this nature that we now call “superior” should be common and not rare;
Because it should be specific to the human being who orients himself towards his true natural nature, that is, not to accept immediate reward that is paid dearly later and to prefer with foresight, those solutions that allow him to truly obtain the good, not the evil that follows an immediate, weak reward.
Of course, there are also immediate rewards that are then followed by very good consequences, but these are a particular case;
The problem is with human beings who are easily conquered by rudimentary pleasures and immediate joys,
which, however, are paid very harshly, in terms of meanings.
I’ve always been amazed how people sell their vote on oil bottles or plastic buckets, but here it is. How? This is possible by not allowing people to educate themselves in a deep way, to pay attention to meanings that are important to themselves and to the community.
So that, for those important meanings, he is not easily corrupted and fights for the achievement of authentic good.
In government textbooks, it is said that in order to be successful in government, you have to treat people as “animals with a human face”.
This formula, which is outrageous when we hear it, turns out to be perfectly true for many people.
And it turns out to be perfectly true – it depends on the environment – but it is important to know that if the number of human beings who fall into the category of “animals with a human face” is large, then, according to democratic principles, they will dictate the direction of the majority, and this direction that they will dictate, will be easy to manipulate by means of rudimentary, instinctual rewards, simplistic, just like a herd of animals.
This state of “animal with a human face” is actually very low, it should be very rare; It’s simple enough to realize that if you sell your vote on oil bottles and plastic buckets, then you’re going to have leaders, not the people you choose for their value, but people who have oil bottles and plastic buckets…
In this situation, the future becomes bleak.
On the other hand, whoever comes to power, treating people or addressing people who are “animals with a human face“, will have no interest in changing this situation.
He will not have the interest to improve the education process.
He will not have an interest in waking people up, but will be more and more insistent in directing children and then adults towards an instinctual way of feeling and a simplistic way of deciding, based on simple, banal and immediate rewards, even if the bleak future is predictable or very visible.
Thus, human society that grows in this way is trapped in a loop from which it would never get out – if nothing changes.
What solutions could there be?
A simple solution, but not very effective, is to raise awareness of such situations; Such as, for example, during the electoral period: “Our dears, we beg you from the bottom of our hearts, do not sell your vote on trifles, seek, as much as you know, to choose with your conscience, a solution as best as possible.”
This call, surely to the extent that it will be heard and to the extent that it will be given importance, could have a certain result.
Another solution is an awakening-oriented education system, an education system oriented towards:
1. man’s concern not only for reason, but also for meanings,
2. to what things mean and to the secrets of existence
3. efforts made for inner awakening, for the amplification of the state of consciousness, which differentiates man from animals (i.e., man’s ability not to follow his compulsions or instincts or pleasures if this gesture would lead to a direction not desired by him); But most people follow their compulsions, their pleasures, their instincts, even if it is obvious that this gesture leads them in a bad direction – because there are also situations in which it is not obvious – however, many people do these acts.
So, we want, we aspire, we fight, so that we can be ourselves first and foremost and have around us as many people as possible who are people with a human face, not animals with a human face.
It is a fundamental approach that leads to the absolute good as a whole – both for each individual and for the community.
So from this point of view, there is no other direction.
If a man wants to bring more good into his life, taking into account these aspects, he should fight, sometimes through his daily banal actions, sometimes and specifically, to succeed in defeating his compulsions, instincts, in favor of actions that offer authentic good and help others to do so, either through political struggle, or working in education, or working in art, culture, or working in the field of personal or transpersonal transformation courses.
Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution