Yin – Yang, Ha -Tha and Para
In yoga and traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered that in the universe there are two fundamental principles, antagonistic and complementary and a third, which is neutral towards these two.
One is the Ha(Yang) or Yang, of polarity plus, which is solar, masculine, dynamic, bright, expansive, emissive associated with fire, heat, exterior and surface.
The other is Tha(Yin), the Yin, which has minus polarity and is associated with the Moon, femininity, passivity, receptivity, intuition, interior, depth, cold, darkness, water.
The duality of Ha(Yang) -Tha(Yin) manifests itself in any aspect, phenomenon or being. In general, in a given situation or in a certain being at a certain time, one or the other of the two energies prevails.
In the East, in the most advanced, nondualistic persepctive, it is considered that in the universe there are two fundamental, antagonistic and complementary principles Ha-Yin and Tha – yang as well as the third, transcendent and unmanifested, sometimes called PARA.
In Chinese medicine it is the couple Yin-Yang, in India it is the couple Ha-Tha (from the expression Hatha Yoga) , Chandra-Surya (moon-sun), Ha and Tha from Hatha Yoga.
One is the Yin, which has minus polarity and is associated with the Moon, femininity, passivity, intuition, interior, depth, cold, darkness, water. The other is yang, of polarity plus, which is solar, masculine, dynamic, bright, expansive, associated with fire, heat, exterior and surface.
However, this pair of forces is complemented by the appearance of the neutral element – sometimes called PARA. – which results from their equilibrium, but which is not part of their plane of manifestation.
In Taoism, the Tao is the fundamental force that flows into all beings and inert things in the Universe. It is the very essence of reality and, by its nature, is ineffable and indescribable.
It is represented by tai-ji-tu, the symbol representing unity beyond the yin-yang dualism composed of the principles of positive and negative energy.
The duality of Yin-Yang is the relative presence of any aspect, phenomenon or being manifested. In general, in a given situation or in a certain being at a certain time, one or the other of the two energies prevails.
Regardless of the level of organization of matter to which we refer (subatomic particles, atoms, molecules and even planetary systems or galaxies), one of the fundamental laws that constantly operates in Nature is that of the permanent interaction between two polarly opposite forces in meaning, but complementary, one positive, masculine (solar, YANG) and the other negative, feminine (lunar, YIN) and their control by the neutral aspect unmanifested in the respective plane.
In the West, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus postulated the philosophical principle according to which in the material universe as the materialists imagine it, everything is in motion and nothing is motionless.
According to this dualistic philosophy, the eternal is only movement and the principle is condensed into the phrase “Slope Rhei” – everything moves!
Almost all the phenomena in Nature are the expression of the incessant inetraction of these two principles: one positive (+), YANG or solar and another negative (-), YIN or lunar. Even the manifestation of phenomena in nature is realized according to the predominance of one or the other of the two principles, YANG, masculine, (+) or YIN, feminine,(-), which are the basic principles of the entire Universe.
The 10 axioms of the triple aspect of the manifested world.
1. Ha(Yang) and Tha(Yin) are two poles of the world manifested by the Unique Principle, always present and associated with each pair Ha(Yang)-Tha(Yin) in the form of the neutral aspect Para.
2. Everything manifested in the universe has a triple nature consisting of the Ha(Yang aspect), the Tha(Yin) aspect, and the pear-neutral aspect.
3. The neutral aspect is not visible or manifested in the plane in which the pair Ha(Yang)-Tha(Yin) is located and cannot be controlled by them, but the neutral para aspect can control the pair Ha(Yang)-Tha(Yin).
4. Ha(Yang) is centripetal, Tha(Yin) is centrifugal.
5. Ha(Yang) manifests itself rapidly and withdraws rapidly, Tha(Yin) starts hard and stops hard.
6. Ha(Yang) and Tha(Yin) attract each other.
7. The force of attraction is proportional to the difference in polarity.
8. Ha(Yang) and Tha(Yin) are ephemeral and their polarity varies continuously.
9. Nothing is just Ha(Yang) or just Tha(Yin), there is always the opposite polarity.
10. The great Ha(Yang) aspect attracts the small Ha(Yang) aspect and the great Tha(Yin) aspect attracts the small Tha(Yin) aspect.

Leo Radutz the founder of Abheda Yoga Academy and the initiator of the Good OM Revolution