Dhanurasana – the “bow” or posture of enthusiasm

Dhanurasana – the “bow” or posture of enthusiasm

Dhanurasana Presentation

Dhanura means “bow” in Sanskrit – hence the name bow posture.

The posture suggests the resemblance of the body to a bow, in which the bow chord is given by outstretched arms, and the torso and legs represent the body of the bow.

It is a posture that energizes the whole being and amplifies the subtle fire; It can be performed both statically and dynamically. It certainly improves the condition of the practitioner, making him more cheerful and in the mood for life. The enthusiasm we get after practicing dhanurasana will then accompany us in all our daily activities. Some practitioners also exhibit humor after working more closely with this posture.

Indications, effects and benefits of this procedure

Even if at first it seems like a posture in which we would not want to stay too long, after its execution our state will be completely different. Here are just some of the effects of asana:

  • amplifies willpower and courage
  • Dynamizes subtle fire
  • gives enthusiasm, optimism, good mood
  • keeps the spine flexible and young
  • Abdominal massage
  • helps in case of irregular menstruation
  • improves digestion and appetite
  • fights lethargy and tamasic states

Execution technique

We lie face down on the ground. We arch, gripping our ankles with our hands.
We perform first the static posture, then the dynamic variant: we swing back and forth, alternately oscillating with the head and legs. We maintain the state of firmness and support the effort, referring to the internal energy that accumulates.
We alternate the static version with the dynamic one, or choose one of them, at the limit of comfort.

Concentration and awareness during execution

According to the course initiation

Concentration and awareness immediately after execution

According to the course initiation

Possible mistakes and remedies

  • In case of incorrect execution, the thighs or chest remain glued to the ground; We can arch the trunk more, pulling the ankles upwards so that we remain balanced only on the abdomen
  • If we don’t get to grip our ankles with our hands, we can use a scarf or the clothes on us


  • during menstruation is practiced carefully (mostly static posture)
  • avoid practicing in case of migraines (or during the period when we have headaches; posture does NOT generate headaches)
  • Pregnant women will not practice posture
  • Do not practice posture after abdominal surgery or cesarean section (until healing)


    Leo Radutz, founder of the Abheda system, initiator of the Good OM Revolution

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