o nouă grupă de Abheda Yoga si meditație
Cu Leo Radutz!
Din 15 septembrie - in Bucuresti si Online. CLICK pe link pentru detalii
I have been able to achieve results the most with short-term spiritual retreats. Why is that? Because – I could focus on a single intense effort – it had a clear duration, – they were “once”, when I was planning and when I had time and energy – I was looking for myself and finding myself, more or less – I was practicing intensively and extensively, all the methods I wanted to experiment – I was advancing like “a spearhead” – the practices were “fresh”, there was no habit – they were a situation in which, obviously, I put spirituality first much more clearly and easily – I acquired maximum depth – I avoided running away from ideas, because I was much more vigilant than during the tapas – they were a less formal conscious offering – therefore more authentic – offered to the spiritual Path – I preferred it because I was very busy and it was easier than when I made long and regular taps – I also “catch-up” advanced techniques that I would have liked to practice them the rest of the time, but I couldn’t. How much do we practice? From 6 hours to 12 or 24. Usually 12 or 24 hours. I didn’t talk (I locked myself in the room and talked to the others so as not to disturb and I just went out to the bathroom), I didn’t read, I only wrote ideas on a piece of paper, without a phone or computer, I didn’t look out the window, I avoided at all costs what could have disturbed me or could have represented an escape for the mental. Acharya Leo Radutz