Ivermectin – Proven Anti Covid 19 Effects


Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015

Ivermectin was discovered in the 70s. Since then, decades of studies have been done on the beneficial effects in treating some parasites and lice. As a result of these studies, those who invented it, the Japanese Satoshi Omura and the American William C. Campbell, were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015.

The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura
“for their discoveries on a new therapy against infections caused by ascarid parasites”
, and to Tu Youyou
“for his discoveries regarding a new therapy against malaria”.

So the Nobel Prize for using Ivermectin for human use.

Since 2014, more than 109 million people worldwide have been treated with Ivermectin as part of programmes carried out under the supervision of the World Health Organization.


William C. Campbell, an expert in parasite biology, along with Ōmura did studies on the cultures of Streptomyces. Campbell proved that a component of one of the crops is very effective against parasites of domestic and farm animals. The bioactive agent was isolated, purified and called Avermectin. It was chemically processed and transformed into a more effective compound called Ivermectin. Ivermectin was later tested on humans with parasitic infections, clearly showing its effectiveness. Thus, the research of the two, Ōmura and Campbell, led to the discovery of a new class of drugs with extraordinary efficacy against parasitic diseases.

Treatment with Ivermectin has proven to be very effective, both in animals and humans, against a variety of parasites, such as those that cause oncocercosis (river blindness), lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis), scabies or intestinal parasites. It also greatly reduced the second cause of blindness in the world. River Blindness is a serious disease caused by a worm that, before being eradicated, caused blindness and destroyed the skin tissues of those infected. In the absence of treatment, people were dying.

Testimonies of doctors


Doctor Ion Alexie, based in Las Vegas, USA, is one of the doctors who has had good results following treatment with Ivermectin.

“I’ve been using it since October, I’m taking it so I don’t get sick, I don’t get COVID. And I’m not the only one. I also give them to my patients, but there are other doctors who take Ivermectin also preventively,” he told PLAYTECH.

Moreover, he says that in some hospitals in the United States the treatment is considered to be a lifesaving one. Only after a few days of treatment, COVID-19 patients miraculously recover.

“It also depends a lot on the stage of the disease. But I want to give you an example. Here at the hospital I work at, a patient came on January 23rd at night, I hospitalized him and he had his lungs destroyed by the disease. Oxygen saturation was very small, almost intubated. After two and a half days of Invermectin he reached an almost normal oxygen saturation, as much as to receive through a nasal cannula. I really think Ivermectin helps.”

Carmen Dorobăț, infectious disease physician at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases Sf. Parascheva from Iași talk about the beneficial effects of Ivemectin for PLAYTECH.

“On December 27, a protocol from the United States said that this medication is good prophylactically, during infection, but also post infection, once a month. Among the European countries, the Netherlands and France also use it for human use. There are no studies with us yet, but maybe it should be taken into account. I even researched and the side effects are allergic reactions, digestive phenomena, and in the case of those who suffer with the heart – changes on the electrocardiogram. Moreover, it seems that Ukraine and Germany would start using serum Ivermectin“.

Beneficial effects


Invermectin is a powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory. As a result of this, namely that it has both antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, it causes the recovery period to shorten greatly. Dr. Schwartz has shown that the drug helps to “eliminate” the virus in just six days. Therefore, patients treated with Ivermectin are refecated faster and negative in a very short time, and the intensity of symptoms is reduced immediately after administration. It was observed that patients with high fever, fatigue and marked weakness recovered after a day or two of treatment.

The mortality rate decreases by 75-90%.

It has efficiency at any stage of the disease, both in the early stage and in advanced stages of the disease.

Clinical trials

Clinical studies have revealed the powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect by reducing C-reactive protein(CRP), ferritin and D-dimer in COVID patients when administering a low dose of Invermectin. They indicate a reaction of the immune system following the treatment administered. The antiviral effect and effects on immune system activation markers have been clearly demonstrated, as well as a significant reduction in mortality. The conclusion was that treatment with Invermectin stops the replication of the virus.

Treatment was given in many countries and followed the progress of patients and the effectiveness of treatment.

Many human clinical trials are still underway on the effects of Invermectin.

It has long been used as an antibiotic for veterinary use. However, it has been shown to be very effective as an antiviral and anti-inflammatory for humans.

Studies have resulted in an ATU (Temporary Authorisation for Use). The ongoing clinical trials are expected to be completed in order to obtain a definitive authorisation. The effects, however, are already encouraging, with very obvious beneficial effects.

Experts from the University of Liverpool have confirmed the effectiveness of Ivermectin in reducing and eliminating the virus from the body. During the study of those receiving this treatment, there was a reduction in the risk of death by up to 75% for patients who had a severe or average form of the disease, according to the Financial Times.

Andrew Hill, microbiologist at the University of Liverpool, UK demonstrates the increased efficacy of Ivermectin in treating Covid-19. He and his face have been working since February 2020 to evaluate various treatments for covid-19. Since December I have been preparing a meta-analysis of ivermectin, a promising treatment against covid-19 for severe cases, but also for the profialxia of the disease.

“My name is Dr Andrew Hill, I work in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy at the University of Liverpool. And we’ve been looking at covid-19 treatments since the outbreak began in February. I tested a lot of drugs, which unfortunately did not work: hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, remdesivir, nitazoxanide, farapiravir… a list of failures, unfortunately. And about six weeks ago [reported at the time of the interview, January 24, 2021 – n.n.], I started working on ivermectin. I was surprised by the results I was seeing, both as a preventive treatment and as a curative treatment. We have set up a project team with 20 different countries. Doctors working in developing countries around the world sent us the results and shared the information with us. Real cooperation between doctors, often with very few resources, showing similar results in different countries.”

Recommended Dosage

The optimal dose at which patients reacted very well and recovered quickly was 0.4 mg/kgbody for 5 days.

Adverse effects or contraindications

This drug has been administered to hundreds of millions of people and it has been observed that it is quite well tolerated.

A contraindication would be in the case of pregnant women, because studies on animals have shown that it can lead to congenital malformations.

Ivermectin – alternative to vaccine or treatment


Specialists have pointed out that Invermectin is not an alternative to the vaccine, as it is intended to protect people who are not infected, while Invermectin is given to treat those who are carriers of the virus.

Other effective remedies against COVID 19

Salts based on Zinc or Magnesium are recognized by doctors as effective and fast-acting.

Professor Michael Holick of Boston University confirms that vitamin D3 reduces severe forms of the disease by 40-50%.

Ivermectin is, in conclusion, a cheap and effective drug against the covid-19 virus.

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