Firmness and Love

Can firmness and love manifest simultaneously in the soul?

  • Fermitatea este o trăire specifică centrului de forță Manipura Chakra – centrul voinței și al curajului, sediul focului subtil al ființei.
  • Iubirea este mai mult decât o stare, este un nivel de conștiință. Un ajutor în trezirea și amplificarea iubirii este dinamizarea lui Anahata Chakra – centrul afectivității.

Există iubire specifică lui Manipura?

There may be. If we don’t have love in Manipura, there’s no way to find it but it’s important to know that it could exist and we can do something for it. Obviously, it’s yoga.

The 7 main centers of force that generate and control all human experiences do not have an exclusive distribution of these experiences.

They reflect in each other, revealing, once again, the holographic structure of the universe that we can find in ourselves.

In each center of force we find the others reflected in it, so we have, for example, Vishuddha from Muladhara but we also have Muladhara from Visuddha.

It is, in fact, a matrix with 7 rows and 7 columns, where horizontally are the Centers from Muladhara to Sahasrara and vertically are also centers from Muladhara to Sahasrara.

So Manipura, for example, contains:

Muladhara from Manipura

Swadisthana from Manipura

Manipura from Manipura

Anahata from Manipura

Vishuddha from Manipura

Ajna from Manipura

Sahasrara from Manipura.

How does Anahata from Manipura manifest themselves?

It means that a man can have an exceptional dominance at manipura’s level, his way of being to mean first the energy and the perspective of consciousness at Manipura’s level, but still lovethrough this projection of Anahata at Manipura’s level.

For example, the “terrorist grandmother” who is very bossy with her grandchildren, guides them and organizes them in the direction she thinks is best for them. But if we ask one of the greats if they think grandma loves them, we might be told no, this is not perceived as valid.

Why is that?

Because of her spiritual level and low discernment that does not allow her to see grandma’s love, because it does not manifest itself as expected, it is not endearing, it is not preventive, it does not necessarily have harmony as instruments.

Other examples: the king or commander of the army who is harsh with the subjects seeking to organize them well, to subject them to efforts that will ensure their success.

People do not believe that love can reproach, they do not believe that love can manifest firmness, efficiency, will or dissatisfaction, anger.

But these are elements that are related to Anahata of Manipura – Will or Manipura of Anahata – Will of Love.

In general, the reproach of “does not agree”, “does not satisfy”, “has no harmony”, “has no love”, “is on Manipura”, “is authoritarian” – say a good part of the people who are reproached.

Therefore, at first the love of Manipura and the unlove through Manipura may seem to the unsuspecting as well and be difficult to make the difference.

Surely, however, the love in Manipura also pursues the good of another with efficiency and is capable of the sacrifice of love that it easily achieves.

Attention! All these can be easily confused, even by the one in question, with different facets of the ego has mimics these qualities or experiences. So it is necessary a very good spiritual discernment, lack of indulgence, intense work on Anahata, practicing personal sacrifice.


Leo Radutz

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