Morphogenetic field and egregories

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Ever since its discovery by Rupert Sheldrake, Morphogenetic Theory (TM) has sparked controversy vividly. The reactions in the scientific world were so heated that some scholars were even of the opinion that :”Sheldrake puts magic before science and can be condemned in exactly the same language in which the Pope condemned Galileo – and for the same reason. It’s a heresy.”

Sheldrake being a biologist by profession, he was amazed by certain phenomena in the world of living beings, which could not be explained in any way, up to him. We will describe here two famous experiments, which led to the substantiation of this theory.

In the first of them, Professor William McDougall, from Harvard, tested in 1920, the intelligence of mice. For this he used a labyrinth, through which the mice had to pass, to find food. The experiment noted the time when the mice managed to reach the food. To his astonishment, he found that, as new generations of mice appeared, the average time in which they reached food became smaller and smaller, so that the 20th generation of mice reached, on average, food, ten times faster than the first generation.

It was as if a teaching of the adult was transmitted to children. McDougall knew, like all of us, that genetically one cannot convey teaching, except perhaps at most certain instincts. That is why his results were treated with a lot of skepticism. To counter McDougall, a team of scientists from Edinburgh duplicated the experiment, using exactly the same maze as McDougall.

Their results were even more astounding: the first generation of mice roamed the labyrinth at about the same time as McDougall’s 20th generation, and some of the mice found their way almost immediately, going straight to the target. In this case, the genetic explanations could be eliminated from the start and so could other explanations based on traces of smell, pheromones, etc. However, the experience of harvard mice crossed the ocean, reaching those in England, without there being any physical explanation for it.

A second experiment took place in 1952 on the island of Koshima, where a species of monkey (Macaca Fuscata) was observed for 30 years. At some point, the researchers began to offer the monkeys sweet fruits, thrown into the sand. The monkeys really liked the fruits, but they had to eat them covered with sand, which was unpleasant.

At one point, an 18-month-old female named Imo discovered that she could solve the problem by washing the fruit in a nearby water. Imo showed this to her mother. At the same time, her playmates learned this and taught her families how to do it. Scientists have witnessed how more and more monkeys have learned how to wash fruits in water.

Between 1952 and 1958, all the young monkeys in the colony learned to wash the fruit. Only some of the adult monkeys, who imitated children, also applied this. The other adult monkeys continued to eat the fruits, full of sand.

Then something amazing happened: from a certain number of monkeys washing their fruits, suddenly the phenomenon took on an explosive scale. If in the morning only some of the monkeys used this knowledge, in the evening almost all the monkeys were already washing the fruit.

As well as other colonies of monkeys from other islands, as well as monkeys from the mainland, began to wash their fruits almost immediately. Even in this case, a conventional explanation could not be found, how the knowledge spread so quickly, crossing the water, without there having been direct contacts between the various colonies of monkeys.

Analyzing these cases, Rupert Sheldrake advanced the idea of morphic fields (or formative, generating), which had the role of maintaining the knowledge of any phenomena, not only in the living world, but also in the mineral or even quantum world.

He postulated that these fields somehow recorded all the information about various events and then exerted a formative influence on all beings or objects similar to those which generated those events, so that the new events would somehow fit into the new pattern.

We could liken these morphic fields (CM) to a kind of molds into which the molten metal is poured, so that it takes that shape. An even better comparison is with the ground over which it rains. Initially, it is perfectly flat, but then the water begins to dig small ditches, through which it can drain faster. Gradually, these ditches deepen and more and more water flows through there.

In our comparison, ditches are the new morphic fields created, which create the habit of things happening predominantly in one way and not in another. Broadly speaking, morphogenetic theory explains much more in-depth and expands what we call “habituation.”

From the moment of its postulation, morphogenetic theory immediately proved to be an exceptional tool. Already a whole series of phenomena could be explained, from the most diverse fields. For example, in psychology, the applicability was immediate and, in fact, TM matched perfectly with other discoveries in this field, such as the theory of the collective subconscious, of C.G. Jung.

In his research, Jung discovered certain strange phenomena that could not be explained unless there were a kind of connection between members of the same species. For example, Jung discovered that some Eskimos had dreams of snakes or spiders, although they did not exist in the arctic circle, nor were there any other sources from which to find out about their existence.

In fact, even the Eskimos in question did not know what they were dreaming of, but when they drew those images, someone could immediately recognize what it was all about. Thus, Jung postulated the idea of a collective subconscious, to which each member of the species is more or less coupled and through which he has access to a whole series of knowledge, archetypes and customs. This collective subconscious corresponds, in part, to the morphic fields of morphogenetic theory.

At the same time, it was possible to explain the performances of athletes, who visibly increase from one generation to another, although the biological structure of man is somewhat constant and even in the modern era decades due to unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and break with nature and its normal rhythms.

This increase in performance cannot be attributed only to training, because it manifests itself from an early age, in which young children show much better performance than those of the past. In the same way, in schools, the curriculum is becoming more and more loaded and children are assimilating more and more knowledge.

If a child, even just a few years ago, had to learn at the pace of a modern one, it could hardly cope. In this way, it is also explained very simply what makes it much easier for certain “traditional” schools to generate students with exceptional results at school level.

In fact, this “tradition” is the result of a morphic field structured in time, at that school and which allows those who integrate into it, to dispose almost immediately, albeit subconsciously, of the results of its forefathers.

Morphic (or morphogenetic) fields also manifest themselves at the level of human communities or countries. Even between two neighboring countries there may be some large morphic differences that generate specific patterns of behavior. For example, the English are famous for their calmness, the Latins for the “hot blood”, the French for being romantic, the Japanese as being generally more fair and hardworking, the Germans more rigid and attentive to details, etc.

These differences create what is called
national “egregore”,
which represents a formative matrix for the individuals of a nation. Between the egregor of a nation and its culture and tradition, there is a two-way dependence: on the one hand tradition and culture make a specific egregore to be structured, and on the other hand, this egregore transmits through morphic fields, to the next generations, the habit of falling within the same culture, religion, customs, etc.

Digital illustration of a dna

Sheldrake even advanced an even more surprising theory, namely that human DNA is not intrinsically the repository of structural information for a being, but rather a kind of transceiver antenna for the surrounding morphic field, which actually stores this information.

We know that DNA retains complete genetic information in every cell for the entire organism, but we don’t know how decisions are made that, for example, from one cell of one gender to activate the genes necessary for it to duplicate into another of a different gender, or of the same kind. Why in an adult body will muscle cells also divide into muscle cells and not into neurons, for example? At the same time, we don’t know what makes the cells know when they have reached the necessary level of division and not to divide so much…

For example, what are the factors that stop the growth of liver cells, thus stopping the liver from growing immeasurably much? It is as if the cells know that the liver has reached its correct size and shape and then only a maintenance activity is generated at its level and not one of growth. TM explains these aspects very simply by stipulating that structural information is actually recorded in a morphic field that acts on all biological processes. DNA thus becomes especially a receptor (that’s right, very complex) for morphic fields that are much more complex and that retain much more information than only the DNA alone would be able to do.

If a living being were a construct, we could compare the DNA with the simple contractors working on that construction, and the morphic fields with the team formed by designers and civil engineers.

Another amazing application of TM is in the field of certain aspects considered “paranormal”, and which are mainly related to the influence of thinking and emotions on matter. Through TM many of these phenomena can be explained even very easily.

Taking into account that DNA and in general matter is also an emitter that can structure specific morphic fields, the immediate conclusion is that a living being can emit morphic information (thus structuring, generating) that acts on other beings or on matter in general.

Nowadays it is known that those who keep plants and love them very much, talk to them and caress them, make these plants develop very beautifully, as if perceiving the favorable atmosphere they have. But few know that these differences in development can be obtained from a distance, simply by thinking lovingly about the plant or being.

Thus, our thinking structures a beneficial morphic field, which constitutes a pattern of harmonious development for that being. In this case, the effects can no longer be explained only by physical interactions, but it is necessary to introduce energetic, vibratory interactions. In fact, the effects of focused thinking on matter and even destiny are very well known since antiquity, in all cultures of the world. There are various very inspired proverbs, for example:
“habit is second nature
” or
“if you sow a habit, you reap a destiny”.

Much of what we call “destiny” or “fate” it’s actually a set of morphic fields that guide us in a certain way. Thus, a being who fits into the frequency of resonance of these fields, will have the tendency to act predominantly according to them and thus to have a specific direction in life.

All the brilliant beings in turn had the quality of knowing, from an early age, what they want in life. This pre-science came in the form of an idea or image that was predominantly repeated. For example, an exceptional future dancer wanted very much to dance on stage and was always seen in this position.

Thus, morphogenetic theory scientifically validates the way in which our behaviors or even our thoughts shape “destiny”, through specific morphic fields generated by them. In fact, it is simply these behaviors that make the patterns and paths that tend to be followed even further appear, not only as a thought model but also as a physical reality.

It is only necessary that in its development, the morphogenetic field reaches a specific intensity, a kind of
“critical mass
“, in order to allow it to manifest itself concretely in the physical plane. Analog is the same as in a school it is not enough for a single student to be brilliant for that school to be reputable, but it is necessary for a certain number of students to have very good results, for that generated morphogenetic field to be strong enough for the future students who will learn there.

It thus becomes possible for a human being to transform his destiny for the better even in a radical way, if he acts with enough energy in the sense of modifying the older morphic fields (which may be unfavorable to him), in order to structure thus new, stronger morphic fields, and to guide him in the desired direction.

There are still many other fields of application of morphogenetic theory, for example finding ways of action to favor something new and more evolved than old forms, models or patterns, explaining physical or mental phenomena depending on the context in which they take place, etc.

What are egregors?

The egregor is an impersonal accumulation of information and energies, good or bad, that belonged to individuals, groups of individuals, society, peoples, nations, planets. These accumulated info-energies behave like buffer batteries from an energy point of view. Individuals can ascend information and energy into the egregore or receive information and energy from the egregore. This creates an interdependence, the egregor represents and often influences the subtle decisions of individuals, the nuance of right or wrong, etc.

The term “egregore” comes from the Greek language from “egregoroi” which means overseer, guard, the one who is awake.

Every group, every religious, political, artistic movement, every country, forms an “
The egregore behaves like a psychic being emanating from a collectivity, being made up of the thoughts, desires, fluids of all members who have thoughts in common.

There are three types of egregori:

  1. Normal, ordinary egregori, whose symbol is an abstract concept (idea, people, party, custom, faith, etc.). They are the “common property” of those who connect to the egregore, the share of influence of each individual being directly proportional to his power of concentration and the time allocated to the thoughts sent to the egregore. The influence can be of both the individual on the egregor and the egregor on the individual.
  1. Extraordinary egregori, whose symbol is a living person or entity . They are the quasi-exclusive property of the person who is the symbol of the egregor, the egregor being made up of the thoughts of the holder and of the thoughts of those who think of him and the actions carried out by him.
  1. Egreords of intermediate type, namely those whose holder is a small community, united by a goal and a clearly defined symbol. The clearest example is that of a football team.

The sum of the effects of the disparate actions of some individual entities is an arithmetic sum, while the resultant of the actions of a synchronized community is an exponentially obtained number (thus, much higher). On this phenomenon is based the rapid obtaining of egregori by the creators of religious sects and by the artists (bands) who organize concerts and performances.

The great egregors belonging to “extinct” religions or civilizations long gone remain active in the universe for a long time, helping to understand and discover the elements of that religion or civilization by the people of the future, using their intuition much more than reason for example: schliemann’s discovery of Troy, the discovery of Minoan civilization, etc.


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