Zen Mind, or Beginner’s Mind

In Japan there is a phrase called soshin, which means “beginner’s mind”. The purpose of this practice is to keep our minds in a state of beginning. For a while you will be able to have the “beginner’s mind”, but if you continue to practice, a year, two, three, or more, even if you could improve something, you are likely to lose the unlimited meaning of the original mind. For students in Zen, the most important thing is to be outside of duality.

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Rules in Zendo

There are a number of rules in the zendo that you should know when entering a zen hall, but these rules, which seem rigid, are just an outward and shallow aspect of the path.
Zen is something profound and natural, which has nothing to do with dogmas and rituals… or with rigidity and unnaturalness.

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When We Choose to Live in the ZEN Garden – Beyond Definitions: ZEN Thoughts and Aphorisms

Zen represents, we could say, an extensive program of self-discovery. He brings us face to face with our own denial and rediscovery of our deeper being, and emphasizes the sufferings emanating from attachments, prejudices and separation. Zen teaches us how to take the steps that separate us from ourselves. Zen is in our joy, in our tears, in the flight of thoughts, and in the breath that sustains our lives, unconsciously. Zen doesn’t forget us, we forget Zen. Trying to fill the void and vastness within us with external meanings is like pouring water into an ocean to moisten it! “Where are you? HERE. What time is it? NOW.”

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