How does it affect our health, the consumption of meat

Most people live longer to survive, in a continuous struggle: on the one hand trying to satisfy their daily needs, naturally, and on the other hand mobilizing an organism increasingly assaulted and unbalanced by the accelerated pace of life, stress, and pollution. Being in this veritable carousel, modern man rarely finds time and moments of silence to elucidate the mystery of his own existence. Western civilization is a model that many want to follow

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Is the Revolution of the Good Man a solution for global warming?

  Global warming is the cause of many changes in our society. Environmental protection, population reduction measures, union commands under a single, globalist and other authority aim (at least apparently) to reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse effects. In general, the main problem of the great global dilemma is the level of carbon emissions. It is

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HEMP – the astounding divine gift of abundance and health

HEMP – the astounding divine gift of abundance and health In most of Eastern and Western Europe, in North America (even in the USA, where it is illegal to grow hemp), Russia, China, India, South America, the Middle East and many other countries, there is no ban on using hemp seed products. Unfortunately, there is

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Clay has amazing effects – testimonials

Argila – panaceu universal „Consider argila un panaceu universal. Deși sunt medic, prefer tratamentele naturiste. Împreună cu soțul meu am recurs de câteva ori la argilă pentru ane revitaliza și vindeca de colită, diskinezie biliară șihipertensiune arterială. Am făcut chiar și împachetări cuargilă. Însă cura pe care am folosit-o și care ne-a dat nișterezultate extraordinare

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Anaharin – traditional, authentic process for revitalization, improvement of health, purification of the body and mind

ANAHARIN or black water-only fasting is a commonly used process in Abheda Yoga, studied at our school in lessons about Ayusya – long life techniques.The main bias related to this process is the illusion that man “works” due to the chemical energy that comes from oxidative phenomena of substances derived from food that take place

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Bhadrasana – position of the throne

It is considered asana that cures all diseases. Practiced enough, gives the yogi the opportunity to eliminate fatigue or pain. Provides the inner ability to control inferior or unwanted desires. Hatha yoga prapika Bhadrasana or the position of the throne is a basic posture in traditional yoga, suitable even for those beginners in yogic practices.

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Why is white sugar toxic to our body? (film and article)

In 1957 Dr. William Coda Martin tries to answer the following question: When is a food food for the body and when is it poison? Its definition of “poison” was as follows: ” From a medical point of view: any substance applied to the body, ingested or which has effect in the coorp and which can cause disease.” Dr. Martin determined that sugar is indeed a poison to the human body, and classified it as such. Sugar is mainly toxic due to its composition of

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Sri Ramana Maharshi’s recommendations on satytv diet

  Sattic food in moderate caities In general, Maharshi refused to give instructions regarding the discipline of the physical practice of his disciples.When asked about what posture should be in meditation, he replied simply: “The best meditation posture is to fix the mind at one point.” When asked

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It was discovered accidentally – chemotherapy worsens cancer!

A team of American researchers, while studying the fact that cancer cells are extremely resistant to treatment, accidentally discovered something much more important, namely, that chemotherapy strongly affects healthy cells by damaging them, and at the same time causes them to release a protein that supports and fuels the growth of the cancerous tumor. In the report on the findings of the study conducted in the journal Nature Medicine, scientists report that they summarize

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