Sarvangasana – Abheda Yoga

Sarvangasana – “candle posture” for elevation and rejuvenation

Sarvangasana – „postura lumânării” pentru elevare și reîntinerire Presentation Sarvangasana is a reverse posture. The position of the spine is reversed so that the lower part of the spine is higher than the upper. Reverse postures have the quality of easily transforming lower, disharmonious energies or energies of lower […]

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Talasana - postura palmierului - Abheda Yoga

Talasana – “palm posture” for grounding and energizing

Talasana – „postura palmierului” pentru împământare și energizare Presentation Talasana is a refreshing, beneficial exercise, not at all tiring, which keeps the body alert and active. It energizes the torso and arms, being a wonderful posture for therapists who work with the palms. Indications, effects and benefits of this

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Meditația stabilității mentale - Sthiti Dhyana

Meditation of Mental Stability – Sthiti Dhyana

Meditation of Mental Stability – Sthiti Dhyana Sthiti means firmness, and Dhyana means meditation. “DHYANA(M) = meditation, silence, allowing the yogito attain the state of SAMADHI. Meditation is an uninterrupted flowof thinking towards the object of the concentration of the mind (DHARANA). Without DHYANA it is absolutely impossible for the yogi

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Sport – Differences between ABHEDA YOGA and PHYSICAL CULTURE -1-

The millennial science of yoga has a holistic view of exercises; there are many differences between yoga exercises and traditional physical culture. The main difference between Abheda Yoga and Physical Culture is the fact that sport produces physical evolution and results by generating states of muscular crisis that stimulate muscle development, along with the increase of the blood flow through the muscles and the reduction of the influx of blood through the internal organs, endocrine glands and brain, while ABHEDA YOGA generates an evolution based on harmony, energy throughout the being, including in the internal organs, endocrine glands and brain and all this progressively, at the limit of comfort, without forcing and in permanent balance… AND FOR ANY AGE.

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The exceptional testimony of a man returned from clinical death – Gabriel or Gavrilă Bărnuțiu – film

Here is the testimony of a special man, a Romanian with a pure soul from the Salaj area, who gives us clear details that are confirmed by most of the authentic spiritual traditions. “It is much more important how we live than the fact that we live” Leo Radutz Read also “We cannot die, even

The exceptional testimony of a man returned from clinical death – Gabriel or Gavrilă Bărnuțiu – film Read More »

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