Bagalamukhi – the great divine power of stopping and fascination

Bagalamukhi este cea de-a opta mare putere divină sau dumnezeiască din cele zece  Mahavidya. Este o fațetă a unicei ființe divine feminine supreme sau Dumnezeu femeie, care manifestă anumite aspecte caracteristice, aspecte pe care dorim să le regăsim în noi și să le amplificăm. Ne raportăm și lucrăm cu instrumentele meditative corespunzătoare  pentru a ne 

Bagalamukhi – the great divine power of stopping and fascination Read More »

About Shaktipat – Grace or help that usually comes through the Spiritual Master

Shaktipat means, in translation, “coming”, “descending” or “descending” Grace or Energy, Shakti on a man. That is, it is an aid, an impulse that comes through a Master or even without such external support (i.e. spontaneously) and that allows the student to attain, for the moment, skills that he alone would not have achieved at

About Shaktipat – Grace or help that usually comes through the Spiritual Master Read More »

The healing power of Deva Premal’s music – mantras are energetic phenomena!

Deva Premal was born in 1970 in Nuremberg, Germany and grew up in a family with musical and spiritual preoccupations. In the home of his childhood there were no chairs or television, all the family members were vegetarians and meditation was an everyday practice. Under these atypical conditions, Deva showed an early predisposition for a life lived in inner and conscious freedom. Piano and violin lessons as well as the many moments when she sings mantras with her father have facilitated her

The healing power of Deva Premal’s music – mantras are energetic phenomena! Read More »

Sixteen ways we can raise our vibrational frequency

According to the universal laws of quantum physics, everything in this universe is made of pure energy. The energy is in constant motion, oscillating and vibrating at different speeds from the lowest to the very fast speeds. Because we exist in this objective reality, and we have a physical body, we are also made up of the same energy that vibrates with different frequencies.

Sixteen ways we can raise our vibrational frequency Read More »

STE theory (expanding space-time) – a simple explanation of cosmic evolution

Today, most people still believe the famous theory of the Big Bang, according to which the universe emerged through an initial explosion, from an extreme condensate center, and since that universal explosion it continues to expand (until a moment when a contrary motion, of contraction, to the same type of supercondensed center, a state reached

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