What is the connection between humanism and Luciferianism?

What is the connection between humanism and Luciferianism? “People we are, aren’t we?” We sometimes hear, to justify understanding of human limitations, which would, in the view of those people, always be finite. However, the authentic spiritual paths and science of consciousness, Abheda, recognizes that man evolves as consciousness to make the transition from: →

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Why is luciferianism dangerous and deceptive? (includes film)

Because it deftly gives the illusion of progress when, in fact, it blocks your evolution and directs you to ineffective directions. Because Luciferianism is the perspective of life in which we seek fulfillment on the outside, denying the essential, spiritual direction of connection with fulfillment or happiness. For the most terrible slavery is of him

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How people are tricked into doing actions that unknowingly bring them into Satanism

Satanism is not about worshipping Satan. And this is what even the “specialists” say (although his adoration is not excluded, if desired, especially for practical reasons, in order to obtain his support for the fulfillment of certain desires).

Satanism means “only” the worship of one’s own ego.

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