Mircea Eliade, the Romanian who told the Westerners about spirituality

    Mircea Eliade was an exceptional Romanian thinker and writer, with a significant influence all over the world. He made known yoga and oriental spirituality at a significant level at that time and at the theoretical level in the west. A philosopher and historian of religions, Eliade has been a professor at the University

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शाकाहारी भोजन के लाभ

प्रस्तावित विधि: आप मेज पर मांस के व्यंजन डाल सकते हैं, लेकिन स्वादिष्ट और यहां तक कि सस्ते मांस रहित व्यंजन भी रख सकते हैं।
यह आपको तय करना है कि स्वस्थ विकल्प चुनना है या नहीं।
फिर, यदि आप एक सप्ताह के लिए प्रबंधित करते हैं, तो यह जारी रखने के लायक है।
यदि आप तीन महीने तक कामयाब रहे, तो जारी रखने का एक और कारण।
10 साल बाद, इस तरह की मूल्यवान खाने की आदत को छोड़ने का क्या मतलब होगा – अर्थात्, शाकाहारी खाने का?

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Benefits of vegetarian diet

Proposed method: you can put meat dishes on the table, but also having tasty and even cheaper meatless dishes.
It’s up to you to decide whether to choose the healthy option.
Then, if you managed for a week, it is worth continuing.
If you managed for three months, one more reason to continue.
After 10 years, what sense would it make to give up such a valuable eating habit – namely, that of eating vegetarian?

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Green tea…

A simple change in your life: stop drinking coffee and instead drink green tea… This is an enormous chance for health, but also a chance for spirituality…
Do not abuse it as a stimulant; Try to give green tea a spiritual value, and then you can say that you have acted wisely.
For example, take green tea especially when you have to make a spiritual effort…

Green tea… Read More »

Martial arts

Martial arts are a complex system of fighting techniques, with or without weapons, mastered at the individual level. It can be said about “martial arts”, that they existed throughout the entire history of mankind. Let’s not forget that from the time of the Olympics we have a legacy of an art, which in modern times

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